New Tank Syndrome?


New Member
Mar 24, 2005
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I'm after a bit of advice please. I bought a new tropical set up in November last year. Its a Jewell 180 Vision, the one with the bowed front. I filled the tank with de-clorinated water, sand on the bottom, a few real plants some ornimants, and left the tank to settle for 2 weeks.
I gradually added fish over the next month and built myself up a nice community tank, with approx 20 small fish by mid February. On advice from a collegue I lowered the temp from 80 degrees to nearer 75 and everything was going great. I hoovered out the tank weekly and rinsed the filters out in tank water every 2-3 weeks. I seemed to suffer from alge a bit, but I put that down to it being a new tank. The tank is situated away from direct light
My problems started when I noticed one of my loaches rubbing on the bottom and had like sugar granuals on its tail. within a week the other fish were showing the same symptoms. I've no doubt that one of my fish was carrying whitespot when I introduced it into my tank.
I treated the tank with a 2 step treatment. The first dose was fine, but following the second dose given a week later, I have lost a number of fish over the last 2 weeks.
I've done a number of water changes, cleaned the filter but I am still plagued by this green slime almost like jelly, that is covering everything. Is this something to do with my problems? I've got 8 small fish left that seem fine (tetra's, plecks etc) the tank is at 75 degrees.
My question is this - should I drain the tank completely and start again or give the tank a right good clean and leave the remaining fish in for the next couple of months?
Is there an adative I could add to eliminate this alge
Any advice would be much appreciated. If it helps I could take a couple of pictures.

Thanks very much

p.s. I know where I wont be buying my fish from now!
How many gallons is the tank, you say you rinse the filters do you mean the filter sponges as you shouldn't touch them.
180 gallons I presume. Right thats something I've been doing wrong for starters, do you recommend I just change the 'cotton' matting on the top?
Hey there,

I had an algae problem a couple of months ago. I reduced the amount of food being administered at once. Feed 2-3x/day but less at each interval. Also, keep the light off during the day & just turn it on for a few hours at night.

From my experience (which isn't a great deal) you won't want to do a full water change. 30% max per 3 days is what I've heard multiple times (otherwise, it's too much of a shock).

Hope that helps ;)
Only touch the matting at the top of the filter and rinse that in old tank water, only ever touch the sponges then only one of them when they are really mucked up and slightly rinse it in old tank water, as these filter sponges are your bacteria colony that turn nitrites into nitrates,then a couple of weekd later rinse the other one, this is probably why they got whitespot due to poor water quality and stress, probably lost fish through both whitespot and high nitrites, can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Does temperature have anything to do with this alge. I know in my pond it grows like wildfire once the temp goes up. Whats the best temp to aim for?
seanus said:
Oh, and Wilder,

That is a cute little ranchu! :)
Thanks but not mine afraid wish it was as its cute.
Thats cool, thanks.
O.K. plan of attack, leave filter alone, continue with small water changes and just change fine matting on top of foam. I would do a water test now, but my son is fast asleep, so I'll do that tomorrow.
One last question. The built in filter has 2 lots of foam filters in that slide in and out of the housing to make the easier to get out. Should both of these be pushed as far down the filter as possible or should they be a gap between them?
It's a juwel i just push mine down to the bottom of the housing unit, good luck.

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