new tank suggestions please!

aberdeen aquarist

Fish Addict
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
aberdeenshire, scotland
after seeing all the shellie tanks recently, i have decided to set one up too!!
i have a 30 (UK) gallon tank just begging to be set up, and i'm wondering what kind of shellies i can put in it, maybe with some brichardi too.
any help/advice on what to put in it?
I've just set mine up with Lamprologus ocellatus 'Gold' from Tri-Mar and they are gorgeous little fish. Other ones to look at (according to my sources) are L. Meleagris, L. Signatus, Neolamprologus Similis and Telematochromis Sp.

I am by no means an expert on cichlids so this is probably not an exhaustive list.

I would think brichardi would be a bit too big for a 30 gallon tank - but see my comment above :)

It might be worth sending a PM to TheCichlidAddict or CichlidMaster as they will know a lot more than me.

HTH, Eddie
In that tank you can do any shelldweller that you want. It comes down to personal preference and what is available to you.

You can find out most of what you need to know here.

A single brichardi will work, but a breeding pair of brichardi may take over the tank and endanger the shelldwellers, they can be very hostile.

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