New Tank Stocking Ideas

May 16, 2007
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I have just purchased a 120 litre tank, i have an idea what i would like to put in it, can people please give me some opinions on whether this would be ok.

I would like 2 small angelfish, 5 neon tetras, 3 kulhi loaches, 2 guppies, 5 rasboras, 1 small type pleco, 3 corycats, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 bolivian rams, 3 platys and maybe a few other tetras.

I am going to start cycling my tank tomorrow, I am considering putting in 4 or 5 zebra danios for a few weeks to cycle the tank.

Can i have some opinions please, thanks....

if i were you let it do a fishless cycle fish before adding any fish.
That choice of fish sounds good as well.

Enjoy M8
Personally, I would go for slightly fewer species, but more of each (at least of the ones that want company).

Looking at your list:

2 small angelfish, 5 neon tetras, 3 kulhi loaches, 2 guppies, 5 rasboras, 1 small type pleco, 3
corycats, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 bolivian rams, 3 platys and maybe a few other tetras

Well first of all, there is no such thing as small angelfish - they will be small at first but then grow. But your tank should be big enough for them. The only problem is they may get territorial with each other if they don't turn out to be a pair. What most people do is to start off with a group of 4 or so and let 2 pair off, then rehome the rest.

5 neon tetras- would be even more confident in slightly larger group. Once the angels are fully grown they may eat neons.

3 khuulies loaches- d:eek:

2 guppies- depends on what sex you are getting, 2 females could live happily together, if you want both sexes you should keep 2-3 females per male; male groups should be slightly bigger (5+ individuals)

5 rasboras- again, slightly bigger group wouldn't hurt

1 small pleco- a bristlenose would be good

3 cories- 6 would be even better

2 dwarf gouramis- make sure you only keep one male (the coloured ones) per tank. And be very cautious when buying gouramis as a lot of them carry a deadly virus

2 bolivian rams- I would choose between either these or the cories or your bottom space will get crowded

3 platies- same sex ratios as guppies, but females are as colourful as males, so 3 of them would be an option

tetras- note that they are schooling, so groups of 6+

For a tank your size I would choose 4 of these groups. For instance, corydoras, rasboras, platies and gouramis. Or angels, corydoras, rasboras and some more fullbodied tetras (like black phantoms). Or Bolivian rams, platies, guppies and a bristlenose.

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