New Tank Stand Question


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2008
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My husband made me this tank stand for my all glass 55 gallon, 4ft tank. I noticed there is no top in it. Is this OK?
I have tried to insert a pic but not sure if I did it right. Let me know if ya can't get the pic I will try to repost.
Thanx so much for any help.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I get a 404 error when I click on the link BUT when I click on the like in my post, it works. Weird...
If the tank is of the floating base design this stand will be fine. Floating base tanks have the bottom held up by the sides, usually around 1/2" or so on a 55 gallon. The bottom glass never touched the top of the stand, so a piece covering the top is unneeded.

If the tank is of traditional design, where the sides are supported by the base it will need a good level and plane top.
As for the top...

It depends on the tank. If there is a frame around the tank that the glass fits into then a top would be useless for supporting the tank. If there isn't then you would get less support of the tank glass itself.

HOWEVER, from a structural point of view, putting a top on the stand would provide better structural integrity to the stand.

If he refuses to add a top:

a) Get his assurance that he will buy you a new tank if the stand collapses (along with a new floor, carpet, etc.)

b) Once you have a) slowly add water to that tank and once it's full 'jiggle' the tank. If it seems solid then you're home free. Otherwise...

c) Buy a new stand.

Good luck and cheers.

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