New Tank: Species Questions


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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I just inherited a used 30 US gallon tank from some relatives. I have not been an active aquarium user for about 10 years now and am excited to get back into it. I plan on cycling for a week or two using a couple of Zebra Danios. My questions are: How many fish could i fit into a 30 gallon fresh water tank after cycling for two weeks? I'm planning on getting some Tetras,3-4 Cories,Neons, 2 Dwarf Gouramis,a school of Rasboras and possibly a couple of A.Dwarf frogs. So basically i would have fairly small fish. I'd really like to have some more interesting creatures in my tank such as frogs,crabs or shrimp but want to see how the fish do before adding other things. What fish/others would you recommend for a new fresh water tank? Thanks. This is a great forum by the way!
Im not sure but i dont think that the frogs and the small fish is a very good idea.. I never had any but ive seen them in my LFS and they have all been in a tank with larger aggressive fish like NW and African Cichlids plecos, gars and fish like that. But im not sure, could any one eles verify this?
The African Dwarf Frog (ADF) is a fully aquatic frog, spending their entire life underwater. They are very peaceful and should not be kept with any large, or aggressive species. Several ADF’s can be kept in the same tank without aggression. While they are compatible in most community aquariums, ensuring that the frogs are eating adequately within a community tank can be difficult since the fish will often eat the frog’s food. Therefore, they are best placed within smaller tanks where they can be target fed. ADF’s will eat food from the bottom of the tank (ie sinking food) but it is generally best to feed them using a turkey baster, otherwise starvation is risked. Frozen or live bloodworms make a good diet staple. Frogs are also generally disease free. Do be aware that they shed their skin - this is normal. Some frogs shed frequently, others seemingly not at all. A tightly covered tank is an absolute must as ADF’s are avid jumpers. A cave or dark hiding area is also suggested as they prefer a place to hide. ADF’s are also known to float at the surface as if dead, which is a normal behavior. Do not confuse with the aggressive African Clawed Frog!

I hope this helps answer your questions. Here is the page I went to:

I would not put crabs in your tank. I know that many lfs put them in tanks with fish and say they are aquatic, but these little crabs should have a really different setup than fish do. They are compatible with mudskippers. They need sand to burrow in and places to come out of the water. They also need brackish water in order to molt their shells. Here's more about crabs:
Fiddler Crabs

Ghost shrimp might be fine with your small fish. I don't know much about them.

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