New Tank Soon.....


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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i am getting my new tank on sunday well taking it home it is a 3 ft and i have ideas on what fish i am going to put in it when i have set it all up etc. but i was wondering do you guys or girls wont to give me some more ideas etc. :rolleyes:
One of my favorite fish because of their personalities (if they have those) are Tiger Barbs. The Albino Tiger Barbs are the most beautiful and are not as aggressive (only a little) as the regular ones. They are kind of a curios fish though, they like to pick at others... Anyway, I like them. Not sure on any others though... Good luck!
if u do get tigerbarbs do not put them with community fish(guppies for sure) for they wil eat thier tails off.
My favourite fish is probably the Bristlenose Catfish, I just love the way they scurry around the bottom and up and down the glass, very entertaining to watch.

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