New tank setup


New Member
Dec 3, 2002
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:hyper: Hi everyone and happy new year!

I have been recently looking around my workplace (Woodcote Green Nurseries) and noticed a 24x12x12 inch tank, with all the trimmings (heater,filter,etc) for £53.00 and wondered whether this would be sufficient for Hugo (my siamese fighter) and some other fish too. I also had a chat to some old collegues of mine and they suggested the following as a suitable setup for my tank:

5xGlass Catfish, 5xGlowlight Tetras, 1x Siamese Fighter (Hugo), 2-3xCorydoras,1x'Plecostomus', 3xHarlequins, 2x pairs Guppies and 2-3x Clown Loaches!

Is this suitable (not that I am doubting my collegues!)?

Thanx for any help and have a gr8 new year to everyone!

I may have some stuff for you if your interested. 24x12x12 all glass tank with a fluval 2 filter and apropriate heater. As well as more arteficial plants and ornaments than you can shake a stick at... what do you think?
Are you sure a 24x 12 x 12 is going to be big enough???

Clown Loaches get big and if my memory serves me correctly glass catfishes which are very cool can get to about 4 - 5 inches or am i talking balls???
Oh what colour is your fighting fish?? I love them but my last one just wasnt compatible. I saw a really cool albino one the other day at my lfs
Well I think u should doubt ur collegues! lol Clown loaches get WAY to big for a 24" tank, ir looking 4-5ft minimum for them! If it is a common plec u mean then that will get to 12" so thats too big for ur tank. Glass catfish get about 4" but they dont swim around much, so they should be ok, the tetras, betta, guppys, corrys and herlaquins should be ok :)
what so i am actually starting to know what im talking about?? lol
Thanx!I didn't think that it was right!So without the clown loaches, the pleco and maybe not the catfishes its allright then!Cheers!Oh,by the way, my siamese fighter is Red with blue markings on the tips of his dorsal fins!
if u want a suckerfish get an ancistrous bristlenose they grow to about 5 inches

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