New Tank Setup


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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Whats the smallest size aquarium id need for a pair of clown fish just to start of with
what do i need for saltwater aquarium?
waht fish are good for beginners and dont require alot of space?
10 gallon is a decent ish size to start with. You'd be able to get a apir in there with your clean up crew too. But, if you can go larger, go for it as many say its alot easier to deal with water quality etc but i find it fine dealing with small tanks :good:
what size of tank would i need measurement wise?
what else do i need?
i have a hydrometer, protein skimmer which attaches to air pump?
Well, lets ask another question of ya before we go reccomending equipment, where are ya from? US, UK, Canada, Australia, Other?

I'd also suggest perusing through the stickies atop this section to get an idea of what's required. Will answer many of your questions so-far :)

And finally, decide how big a tank you can have, and what kind of livestock you want first. As these factors will dictate where you go for hardware. Might be worth having a browse through larger retailers like or for a general idea of what you like and what's possible for you.
im from uk i would just like a pair of clown fish to start with.
was told ten gallon would be fine for a pair of these with a clean up crew.
but how big does the tank have to be ie dimensions??
Doestn really matter but you could go for an 18"x12x12" or something
Agreed, at that small size dimensions aren't really a big concern. Its not till you get into the ~30+ gallon range that dimensions play a significant role in tank choice/design
i would like 2 clown fish with some live rock in it
just to start with at the moment.

what do i need to get???

i have hydrometer, protein skimmer that attaches to air pump
Hi and welcome. I'd have to differ with most of the above. Clownfish deserve a bigger space than just 10Gs. 30 is preferable for them. 20 I guess is do-able. I personally think that 10 is unfair to house them in. If you want a 10G, look at a dartfish or clown goby. The dartfish prefers a small hole/cave and 10Gs is fine for them.

Asking questions and reading is the best way to start out.

Firefish, gobies, stuff like that. You could try a tomato clwon maybe, thinking thye are a lil smaller than percs. But IMO i have a piar of percs ad they arte fine in a 12 UK gal. Stay away from stuff like mandarins, seahorses and stuff that need specialised feeding :good:

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