New Tank Setup


Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
Hi I am getting a 29gallon US tank tomorrow and i plan to put rock work in it. The fish i would like to put in it are 1 saddleback clownfish, 1 clown goby, 1 bicolor pseudochromis, and 1 pajama cardinal fish. Would this be too many fish? And if not what else could i put in there?
Well given that you've picked one of the larger clowns, I'd say your about at your limit with those fish. Why not think about one of the smaller species of clown?

Other than the fish, have you thought of your cleanup crew? A good selection of crabs, snails and a shrimp or two could also go in with those fish.
Well given that you've picked one of the larger clowns, I'd say your about at your limit with those fish. Why not think about one of the smaller species of clown?

Other than the fish, have you thought of your cleanup crew? A good selection of crabs, snails and a shrimp or two could also go in with those fish.

would a false umm (i forget the name but i think it started with a p) clown be better? and can shrimp live with pseudochromis? and if not should i replace it with a yellowtail blue damsel?
A false percula (ocelaris clown) stay much smaller, so probably a better choice in that tank. The shrimp should be fine with the pseudochromis as long as they are not tiny. Personally I'd never put a damsel in my tank, but a royal gramma might be worth considering instead, similar fish in looks but less aggression.
A false percula (ocelaris clown) stay much smaller, so probably a better choice in that tank. The shrimp should be fine with the pseudochromis as long as they are not tiny. Personally I'd never put a damsel in my tank, but a royal gramma might be worth considering instead, similar fish in looks but less aggression.

alright thanks :)
would a false umm (i forget the name but i think it started with a p) clown be better? and can shrimp live with pseudochromis? and if not should i replace it with a yellowtail blue damsel?
What type of shrimp are you talking about? Anything apart from predator shrimps would be fine, ie. no CBS

Why not a yellow tail damsel guys?
Because Damsels are the spawn of satan and in a small tank will dominate everything
would a false umm (i forget the name but i think it started with a p) clown be better? and can shrimp live with pseudochromis? and if not should i replace it with a yellowtail blue damsel?
What type of shrimp are you talking about? Anything apart from predator shrimps would be fine, ie. no CBS

Why not a yellow tail damsel guys?
Because Damsels are the spawn of satan and in a small tank will dominate everything

I mean like a camel shrimp or a peppermint shrimp
Lol, spawn of satan :)

Yeah those shrimp are about as reef safe as shrimp get
ha ha ha dude dont listen to them i have 3 types of damsels n i guess it depends on each fish's personality but mynee all get along perfectly fine AS Long as tey have alot of ALOT of hidingplaced therfor all my live rock i made sure had cave in em, but my yellow tailed damsel and my 3stripe damsel sleep together lol its cool and my bowtie is huge but doesnt bully, if you do settle on any type of damsel i like myne personaly but if you do then before you get any fish like clowns or other ones when the tank is done cycling make sure u re-organize the tank because if the fish establich territories then they get man when others are introduced so by moving EVERYTHING around they drop their old territory and get used to the new fish and they each individually pick out a new territory without any trouble, but unfortianley u might havta do it everytime u get new fish....
ha ha ha dude dont listen to them i have 3 types of damsels n i guess it depends on each fish's personality but mynee all get along perfectly fine AS Long as tey have alot of ALOT of hidingplaced therfor all my live rock i made sure had cave in em, but my yellow tailed damsel and my 3stripe damsel sleep together lol its cool and my bowtie is huge but doesnt bully, if you do settle on any type of damsel i like myne personaly but if you do then before you get any fish like clowns or other ones when the tank is done cycling make sure u re-organize the tank because if the fish establich territories then they get man when others are introduced so by moving EVERYTHING around they drop their old territory and get used to the new fish and they each individually pick out a new territory without any trouble, but unfortianley u might havta do it everytime u get new fish....

I read that yellow tail blue damsels are the most peaceful damsels. Is this true?
to me the meenest one that ide never get again are domino damsels and yes the yellow-tailed are pretty peaceful but kinda outcasts i dont see it very much but thats just myne others might be different but i think the 3-stripe damsel is nice to a little mor freinds and myne kinda got sad when he was by himself and brightened right up after i gave him two freinds, but first go for looks then pick out the ones that you or poeple find to be aggressive the bowtie damsel is a little aggressive.

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