New Tank Setup - Some Help Please?


New Member
Apr 19, 2011
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I've been reading up on the forum a lot over the past couple of months while preparing to set up a new tank - I've based everything on stuff I read here, so hopefully I'm heading in the right direction. I got it running 2 weeks ago - a Roma 240 litre. This is my first properly planted tank, prior tanks were only sparsely planted.

The setup is running well, but I have a few questions (at the end of the post) that I could do with help on.

This is what I have:

  • Roma 240 tank
  • Fluval 305 external filter
  • JBL m602 pressurised CO2 system
  • Substrate: 2 x 10l bags of Columbo Florabase
  • Easy Aqua super mist diffuser - large
  • JBL drop checker with 4dKH solution
  • Hydor 1600lph circulation pump
  • Redmoor wood and approx. 30 plants

Fish: 6 x Red Rasbora (not sure exactly, was told they were strawberry rasbora by lfs, but not sure), 2 x Siamese Flying Fox, 1 x male Bolivian Ram. I added them straight away as I thought the planting level would handle it, and I had used various media from my old tank to get the filter going.

Ferts: 12ml of Tropica TPN+ and 5ml of EasyCarbo both daily. However, I was using JBL Ferropol and Ferropol24 until a few days ago thinking it had NPK by mistake.

Co2 - 1 drop every 4 secs (seem really low, but struggling to figure out the dropchecker results, so erring on the low side).

I have made 50% water changes every 1 or 2 days. There is no ammonia but the test kit shows nitrites at > 1ppm.

After 2 weeks the tank is looking OK, no algae, plants are generally OK, but Vallis has melted, as have a few various leaves and flowers. The Rotalis has gone stringy and is growing lots of outshoot roots in mid-water.

This is a picture of the tank as a fts, then 2 close-ups:




So here are my questions:

1. I am testing for Nitrites so I can figure out when it's safe to add more fish, but they have gradually increased to over 1ppm. I am doing big water changes - is this to be expected with such a small fish load in a biggish tank like this? In a planted tank do I follow the usual rule of waiting until it's down to zero to add more fish now?

2. The dropchecker doesn't seem to fluctuate away from its lime-green colour, even when the CO2 is turned off over night. I am using 4dKH solution. I added a 1600lph pump to make sure the CO2 is circulating well. I have set the CO2 at only 1 drop per 4 seconds, but I'm nervous to go high in-case I start affecting the fish. Basically I'm struggling to trust the dropchecker - any ideas? I've never used CO2 before...

3. Can you suggest the best place to put the Hydor Koralia pump? At the moment it's about 2/3 up the tank at the back right corner, but it is affecting the plants in its immediate path, making them bent away from the stream of water. I want to keep equipment as unobtrusive as possible.

4. Is it normal for the Rotala rotundifolia to grow lots of long white root-like shoots all the way up the stems?

5. Does the fert dosing seem OK to get me going? I will progress to EI, but can't yet figure out how to adjust dosing according to the amount of plants.

6. I am using stock lighting of 2 x 40w T8 tubes, so it's only 1.3wpg - is that just going to produce slower growth or do I really need to increase the light levels? I would prefer slower growth, lower maintenance, but not if that means I won't be able to grow plants well.

7. Can anyone recommend fish that will occupy different levels? Right now I'm keen on a school of Cardinal Tetras, a mate for the Ram, maybe a pair of Red dwarf Gourami's and some shrimp.

8. Any general suggestions for me?

I know this is a long post, not sure whether I should have split it up....

I look forward to any help or general comments you can give. Much appreciated.
Can anyone help with any of my questions please?

I'll help with 7.
I'd go for 10 cardinals since the tank is large and you have large fish. I'd go for the mate for the ram, and I'm not too sure about a dwarf gourami.
nice looking redmoor where did u get it from ?
looking very nice :)
Thanks, the only reason I was thinking about Gouramis is that the lfs has some nice ones in and I thought they would be a bit different to the schooling fish....

Right now the fish don't seem to like swimming the open water in the middle and top - ideally I would like some that will use those layers too.

Do the fish I have count as large? I thought they were small....
Nor large nor small. Large to a cardinal tetra. Lol.
I'll offer some thoughts

So here are my questions:

1. I am testing for Nitrites so I can figure out when it's safe to add more fish, but they have gradually increased to over 1ppm. I am doing big water changes - is this to be expected with such a small fish load in a biggish tank like this? In a planted tank do I follow the usual rule of waiting until it's down to zero to add more fish now?

Some substrates leech Ammonia back into the water column, i believe yours is one of them, i guess that's were your Nitrites are coming from.I don't know how long this will last for

2. The dropchecker doesn't seem to fluctuate away from its lime-green colour, even when the CO2 is turned off over night. I am using 4dKH solution. I added a 1600lph pump to make sure the CO2 is circulating well. I have set the CO2 at only 1 drop per 4 seconds, but I'm nervous to go high in-case I start affecting the fish. Basically I'm struggling to trust the dropchecker - any ideas? I've never used CO2 before...

Sorry i've not used Co2 gas, but if you are using it, why dose Easycarbo as well?

3. Can you suggest the best place to put the Hydor Koralia pump? At the moment it's about 2/3 up the tank at the back right corner, but it is affecting the plants in its immediate path, making them bent away from the stream of water. I want to keep equipment as unobtrusive as possible.

4. Is it normal for the Rotala rotundifolia to grow lots of long white root-like shoots all the way up the stems?

They are aerial roots.Normal on stem plants.You can either leave them, or remove them

5. Does the fert dosing seem OK to get me going? I will progress to EI, but can't yet figure out how to adjust dosing according to the amount of plants.

1ml per 20L daily,seems to be the recommended dose on here, so your levels seem about right.

6. I am using stock lighting of 2 x 40w T8 tubes, so it's only 1.3wpg - is that just going to produce slower growth or do I really need to increase the light levels? I would prefer slower growth, lower maintenance, but not if that means I won't be able to grow plants well.

Higher levels of light will produce faster growth, but stuff will still grow with 1.3WPG

7. Can anyone recommend fish that will occupy different levels? Right now I'm keen on a school of Cardinal Tetras, a mate for the Ram, maybe a pair of Red dwarf Gourami's and some shrimp.

I to would recommend a mate for your Bol Ram.If you can afford several females he may 'pair' with one & then you can sell on the surplus ones
Not sure what 'Red Rasboras' are, any pics? Most Ras' i've had, tend to occupy the mid to top levels.Your Bols will occupy the bottom level (not sure what they'd do to shrimp)
so a nice school of mid level tetras would be good.Love my Rummys.

8. Any general suggestions for me?

I know this is a long post, not sure whether I should have split it up....

I look forward to any help or general comments you can give. Much appreciated.

Nice start
stu40 - Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

I'm dosing EasyCarbo too because I don't think I've got the CO2 even close to right yet, and I'm worried the plants won't get enough carbon, I've also read some posts where people seem to add liquid carbon even with CO2 - is this wrong? I thought it a bit odd when both are there to provide the carbon....

I have tried to gets pics of the Rasbora - took ages ages as they dart around - here are a couple of the best. They are great fish and colouring up really nicely in this bigger tank. They are way more active than they were in the 70l. Nice to see.



I've tried to get female RAMS, but the lfs says they can't sex them at the age they tend to get them (I thought I had a female, but it was a small male and got harassed, wouldn't eat and eventually died after I took it out) - any suggestion how I get a few guaranteed females?

1. I am testing for Nitrites so I can figure out when it's safe to add more fish, but they have gradually increased to over 1ppm. I am doing big water changes - is this to be expected with such a small fish load in a biggish tank like this? In a planted tank do I follow the usual rule of waiting until it's down to zero to add more fish now?

I would also go with Stu on this one, when i use this stuff i do daily water changes for a couple of weeks. I add the fish, but ensure the daily water changes are done. The plants will cope with the ammonia. Just don't stock it to quickly BTW that a very good first attempt at a scape. Well done!

2. The dropchecker doesn't seem to fluctuate away from its lime-green colour, even when the CO2 is turned off over night. I am using 4dKH solution. I added a 1600lph pump to make sure the CO2 is circulating well. I have set the CO2 at only 1 drop per 4 seconds, but I'm nervous to go high in-case I start affecting the fish. Basically I'm struggling to trust the dropchecker - any ideas? I've never used CO2 before...

Ensure you only use a couple of drops of blue. I would wash it out and have another go. I see you're using the atomic diffuser though, like my self. I only run 1bps with one of these as not alot of C02 is lost with these diffusers. I would up it slightly though, just keep and eye on the fish. If they start gasping, just turn the C02 down a little and empty some water.

3. Can you suggest the best place to put the Hydor Koralia pump? At the moment it's about 2/3 up the tank at the back right corner, but it is affecting the plants in its immediate path, making them bent away from the stream of water. I want to keep equipment as unobtrusive as possible

i would probably go top left in your tank, looking at the outflows.

4. Is it normal for the Rotala rotundifolia to grow lots of long white root-like shoots all the way up the stems?

Yes, it you want, just cut it down and re plant.

5. Does the fert dosing seem OK to get me going? I will progress to EI, but can't yet figure out how to adjust dosing according to the amount of plants

Looks good to me, you're lucky as Columbo is a great back up and it will give any lacking nutrients.

6. I am using stock lighting of 2 x 40w T8 tubes, so it's only 1.3wpg - is that just going to produce slower growth or do I really need to increase the light levels? I would prefer slower growth, lower maintenance, but not if that means I won't be able to grow plants well.

you are using about the same amount of lighting as me...i would leave it at that. It's not all about the light, it's about distribution of ferts and C02, and you seem to be nailing that one.

7. Can anyone recommend fish that will occupy different levels? Right now I'm keen on a school of Cardinal Tetras, a mate for the Ram, maybe a pair of Red dwarf Gourami's and some shrimp.

I'll leave you to research this one, but i can see a big school of Cardinals in there. It would look ace!

8. Any general suggestions for me?

It looks good and it's nice to read that someone has researched before plunging in with everything. Stick around!
Thanks Ianho - exactly what I needed.

Just need to get the CO2 sorted now...
Each time I look at this I hope that my first planted attempt will be as good :) Out of interest, with your 2 x 10L of florabase, how deep is that in your tank ? Did you have anything else to bulk it up or just the two bags of Colombo ?

And where did you get the redmoor ? Its really smart :)

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