New Tank Setup By A Newbie


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2010
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I recently finished setting up my tank. It hasn't been used in 5 years as I've been at uni, so i'm very much a tank newbie.

Its a 180 litre Juwel vision. sorry for bad quality camera:

I got 3 fish over last few days after tank was setup for almost 2 weeks:

A pair of rainbow cichlids:



And a plec. sorry for image he doesn't sit still...

All seems good at the momment. The bog wood does turn the water abit yellow, it was terrible after one week so did a large water change since and seems better.

I'm no fish expert and don't know anything about plants and stuff but they are real, and i'm happy with the way it looks atm. I think i would like a nice background next but i'm not sure.

Not sure when I can add more fish? see how i goes for a few weeks do you think?

Thanks :)
Very nice looking tank and fish. Nice plants as well, thought they were fake when I first saw them.

Now here comes some possibly bad news. When you say you "set up the tank two weeks ago" what exactly did you do? Have you ever heard of 'cycling' and establishing bacteria colonies in your filter before adding fish?

Have you tested your water for ammonia or nitrite levels?
Very nice looking tank and fish. Nice plants as well, thought they were fake when I first saw them.

Now here comes some possibly bad news. When you say you "set up the tank two weeks ago" what exactly did you do? Have you ever heard of 'cycling' and establishing bacteria colonies in your filter before adding fish?

Have you tested your water for ammonia or nitrite levels?

Too an extent yes. When i got the bog wood and such I got some established water from one of the chaps in the aquatics place. gave me a few bags from some tanks. I presumed after a while the bacteria would build over this time. Maybe I was wrong. I was going on what he said.
Nice tank :good:
The rainbows are stunning. Do you know what type of plec it is? It looks like a common to me which can grow upto 2 foot long.
Yes i think hes a common one. I've had one before for about 2 years (well a gibbiceps) and he got big but wasn't so bad. But yeah i know they can get large but I just really like them. I guess i'll have to wait and see if he gets too big.
Too an extent yes. When i got the bog wood and such I got some of established water from one of the chaps in the aquatics place. gave me a few bags from some tanks. I presumed after a while the bacteria would build over this time. Maybe I was wrong. I was going on what he said.

sadly water contains hardly any of the bacteria needed to mature the filter, almost all of it will reside in the filter media. If the same place can give you some of their media to put in your filter then that would be ideal.

What is happening now is that your fishes waste (poo/wee) is building up possibly harmful levels of ammonia which your filter cant process as it is unlikely to have enough of the right bacteria. Over time the ammonia (and later, nitrite) levels will rise to dangerous levels that may well harm your fish and even kill them.

have a read through the beignners section and the 'cycling resource' to better understand what to do now and how best to ensure your fish stay in good health through the 'cycling' process. You are now in what is called a 'fish-in cycle' so look at those links specifically.
Yes i think hes a common one. I've had one before for about 2 years (well a gibbiceps) and he got big but wasn't so bad. But yeah i know they can get large but I just really like them. I guess i'll have to wait and see if he gets too big.
A small tank will stunt them so they wont get that big. There are loads of other plecs that could go in there. Bristlenose plecs are the same sort of colour but the males get bristles on there nose.
Too an extent yes. When i got the bog wood and such I got some of established water from one of the chaps in the aquatics place. gave me a few bags from some tanks. I presumed after a while the bacteria would build over this time. Maybe I was wrong. I was going on what he said.

sadly water contains hardly any of the bacteria needed to mature the filter, almost all of it will reside in the filter media. If the same place can give you some of their media to put in your filter then that would be ideal.

What is happening now is that your fishes waste (poo/wee) is building up possibly harmful levels of ammonia which your filter cant process as it is unlikely to have enough of the right bacteria. Over time the ammonia (and later, nitrite) levels will rise to dangerous levels that may well harm your fish and even kill them.

have a read through the beignners section and the 'cycling resource' to better understand what to do now and how best to ensure your fish stay in good health through the 'cycling' process. You are now in what is called a 'fish-in cycle' so look at those links specifically.

I will have a read through. I'm worried now :(, I'd hate to think I'm going to end up hurting these fish...
I will have a read through. I'm worried now :(, I'd hate to think I'm going to end up hurting these fish...

dont panic, lots of people find themselves in this situation (as did I) but it is manageable and can be overcome using several methods. As I said, if you can get a good amount of mature filter media from either a fish shop or friend then that would be an excellent start. You will also need to invest in a good LIQUID (strip ones are useless) water test kit that tests for Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate. API or Salifert ones are recommended by most.

What filter are you using?
I will have a read through. I'm worried now :(, I'd hate to think I'm going to end up hurting these fish...

dont panic, lots of people find themselves in this situation (as did I) but it is manageable and can be overcome using several methods. As I said, if you can get a good amount of mature filter media from either a fish shop or friend then that would be an excellent start. You will also need to invest in a good LIQUID (strip ones are useless) water test kit that tests for Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate. API or Salifert ones are recommended by most.

What filter are you using?

Its a juwel one.

Its got a carbon, nitrate, coarse and fine filter in it, with an air feed

Thats all i know
Its a juwel one.

Its got a carbon, nitrate, coarse and fine filter in it.

Thats all i know

do you know the model number at all? Did it come with the tank (if so, it's probably fien for the tank size).

The carbon that you have in there will abosrb the ammonia to some extent, however this can be counter-productive as it will starve any of the ammonia eating bacteria that is trying to multiply. Could be helping to keep your fish safe for the moment anyway.

Like I say, have a read through and then maybe start a new thread in the tropical discussion section with any questions and plans/progress on what you are doing. Lots of people on here will be able to help as this situation is VERY common.
Its a juwel one.

Its got a carbon, nitrate, coarse and fine filter in it.

Thats all i know

do you know the model number at all? Did it come with the tank (if so, it's probably the right).

The carbon that you have in there will abosrb the ammonia to some extent, however this can be counter-productive as it will starve any of the ammonia eating bacteria that is trying to multiply. Could be helping to keep your fish safe for the moment anyway.

Like I say, have a read through and then maybe start a new thread in the tropical discussion thread with any questions and plans/progress on what you are doing. Lots of people on here will be able to help as this situation is VERY common.

Thanks for your help Zoddyzod. I only put the carbon one in when I got the fish, as I seem to remember doing this years ago on fresh starts. The filter/pump system came with the tank (Although I know a new revision was made since). I'll have a scan around the guides and keep updates.
If that's a 180 tank then the filter pump is likely to be a 600lph one. If you pull the pump bit out, it will have its output written on the side.

Tank looks really really good though! I'd love a pair of rainbows but don't have the room for some......yet :shifty: :lol:

Only advise I could give you which I found out through experience is for you to get rid of the juwel filter box and stick a fluval U4 filter in instead. The amount of rubbish that gets stuck behind them juwel things is unbelievable! Most of my algae issues that I've painfully suffered for so long stopped once I took mine out and cleaned all of the rubbish from behind it. :good:

Again, looks cracking though......Keep us updated :good:
Nice looking tank :good:

After seeing your RC`s I think I may have an answer as to which fish to have in my tank as a centrepiece. they`re lovely! B-) :D

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