new tank set up today


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
Reaction score
well, that is it i got the new tank set up monday and went to my lfs and got some packaged bacteria yesterday and put it in. so now just waiting to cycle.
it really looks good i got live plants in there like 5 swords and i did a large log (fake) and natural gravel. i will post a pic soon so you can all see it..
i put the bacteria in there and it is from marinaland says it works within 24 hours will test water tomorrow and see whats what.. don't want to rush anything.. i also got a batch of mollie babies comeing from a customer that had to many so i guess that is what i will start out in this tank . i think i will also go with some swords and things like that i think.. what do you guys think?
For this tank sword are good fish to start out on. But as you progress in later mounths or years change it to a more extravigante fish. Also I would advise you to get a pleco ( plecostomis ). Also a good fish to start out on.
Don't pleco's do better in a tank that's been established for a while?

I think you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of swordtails, they are quite entertaining and have wonderful personalities. I've been hooked on swordies for 30 some years and have never felt the need for something more extravagant. (Slaps SworDTail KeePer up the side of the head :p )

What size is the tank? Swordies really need at least a 20 gallon to be happy as they can be very active.
sorry i thought i posted the size it is a 29 gal. it looks so pretty. pleco goes in later yes. i will add him in a few weeks or just as needed. this is so cool you guys just don't know working where i do all this and get paid. :)
I would go with a rubber nose plec AKA bull dog plec as a common plec will outgrow your 29 gallon easily. :nod: I have a rubber nose in my 29 gallon right now and he is doing fine. :thumbs:
i will do that raechal thanks.. i only carry the common ones at my store but i might be able to get my fish guy to get me one of those special order..

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