New Tank, rock transfer?

Guppy Mama

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
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I have two fully cycled tanks, and would like to help a friend ou.

She had never heard of cycling, and thought that she just had to run her tank empty for a while and then it would be ready for fish. She had about 2 rounds with fish that all died. When she took her water in to be tested, of course, she had skyrocket amounts of nitrites.

Now, I can give her some gravel or a rock from my tank to start he bacteria growing, correct? How mush does she need (her tank is about 30 g) and can I use decorations from my tank instead of gravel?

My tank is full of healthy fish, so I won't be spreding any muck to her tank.

Any help is appreciated. She is about to give up on fish, but I know sh'ed really love it and take good care of her fish once she had some success.
I just finished cycking a 29 gal tank and used about two or three handfuls of gravel from a cycled tank. My friend has used old filter floss from a corner filter and yes you can use decorations/ornaments from your tank to help seed the new tank.

Tell her not to give up. This first couple of months are the roughest for anyone waiting to see healthy fish swimming in their tank but with lots of patience comes a very rewarding hobby.

Good luck to your friend and keep asking questions someone here will know the answer.
tstenback gave good advice. remember though that whatever you give her make sure that it is covered or emmersed in some tank water or the bacteria will die off.
No need anymore. When she added the fish, the bacteria from the fish will multiply in her tank. Just make sure your friend adds about 10% of fish each week, test her water and if the ammonia/nitrites spike, perform a light 10% water change (maybe necessary to do daily). Until then, monitor the ammonia/nitrites and when they get down to 0, wait another day or 2 to make sure it remains 0. If it does, add another 10% of fish and just repeat the same procedure as decribed earlier.
You guys are the best! Thanks so much for the information. I am going to print this page and go to her house! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Thanks a million, Guppy Mama :wub:

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