New Tank Questions


New Member
Oct 31, 2003
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I recently purchased a one gallon tank for Milf, my blue/black/white/gold betta. I've had the tank since 10/20, and I used Deer Park spring water for the water. When I tested the tank on the 22nd after letting the tank cycle for about 36 hours, I got:

pH: 7.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
GH: 2 *dGH

This tank has an unpowered under-gravel filter with a single bubble tube.

I tested the water today and I got almost the same results:

pH: 7.6
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
GH: 3 *dGH

Is the pH and GH range ok for this type of fish?

I havn't been doing any water changes, but I'm curious if I should?

Milf seems to be acting (what I think would be) normally - she swims around, but will sleep near the bottom sometimes. She hasn't refused feeding at all, although I don't think she likes the bubble tube - she generally avoids it. Is this normal?

This is my first venture into the world of fish, and I'd appreciate some advice. :unsure:
It seems most (not all though) bettas don't care for currents, or anything bubbling. I think (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) in the wild, bettas are usually in still water.

I would do atleast a partial water change pretty soon. If you do 100% water changed every week, you'll probably not have to worry about nitrite spikes or anything along those lines, but you also won't get the healthy bacteria. I think people do it either way, so it's up to you which you'd rather do. :D

I think it's pretty normal for bettas to sleep on the bottom...they'll also tend to sleep on plants in they're in the tank.

As a side note, you're betta might like something to hide in (plant, decoration, etc) maybe you already have one.. ;) My betta never uses his each his own. :shifty:
Great - thanks for your advice.

If I do 25-50% changes, how often should I do them?

Does anybody else have anything I should be aware of??
bettas are pretty tough fish so i wouldn't worry too much. do a 25-50% water change once a week, they should be good. of course, if after 3or 4 days your water looks cloudy or theres a lot of debris in it, use a turkey baster to suck up the stuff on the gravel and go a head and do a small water change. it might be a sign you feed them too much if that does occur. oh, and you dont' need the spring water, tap water with a water conditioner will be fine.
i keep my bettas in the same kind of tank, but i've tanken out the ugf and the tube and the airstone. the current would grab the food and shot it straight down to the gravel before the bettas could eat much. they really don't need the current like other fish as they have a different way of breathing.
of course, opinions vary, and others might tell you different. :)

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