New Tank Question


Fish Fanatic
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 10, 2024
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I am receiving 2 fully set up planted tanks from a friend. In the 40 gallon there is a moonlight gourami pair and tiger barbs (not sure how many). In the 10 gallon I was told there are some small catfish (I'm guessing ottos) and a larger small catfish (possibly a small pleco). I'm not sure if there are any other fish in the tanks.

I'm going to move all of the fish from the 10 gallon into the 40 gallon. I am also possibly going to rehome the tiger barbs so I can try to set up a more peaceful tank. Would the moonlight gourami be ok in a 40 gallon community tank? What schooling fish would go well with them? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Do the gifted tanks have water parameters similar to your water source, ie GH.
According to Seriously Fish, Ideal tankmates include other Trichogaster, Colisa, Botia, Corydoras, Barbs, Angelfish and loricariids.
I am receiving 2 fully set up planted tanks from a friend. In the 40 gallon there is a moonlight gourami pair and tiger barbs (not sure how many). In the 10 gallon I was told there are some small catfish (I'm guessing ottos) and a larger small catfish (possibly a small pleco). I'm not sure if there are any other fish in the tanks.

I'm going to move all of the fish from the 10 gallon into the 40 gallon. I am also possibly going to rehome the tiger barbs so I can try to set up a more peaceful tank. Would the moonlight gourami be ok in a 40 gallon community tank? What schooling fish would go well with them? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I hope the fish you are getting are not sick. I heard too many horror stories of people getting fish from friends, and it didn't turn out well. Make sure they are healthy before merging with other healthy fish, or I would quarantine and medicate the sick fish first, or you would be treating the whole 40-gallon tank.
I'm getting the tank with the fish. My friend is moving so that's why I'm getting these tanks.

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