New Tank Poses Few Problems


New Member
Apr 6, 2008
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Hi guys,
I recently got a second hand tank off a friend who had it sitting around unused. Its 4ft(l) x 18"(w) x 2ft (h)

He had it running as a marine set up so has 3 holes drilled in it already. 2 of the holes are about 18 inches up the back on one side of the back plate, and a smaller hole on the other end of the back plate. I was wondering am i going to have to fill these in or am i going to be able to use these for my set up?
I plan on running a tropical set up as my fish is getting a little big for the current tank. I also have a Rena xP3 which i am going to use on this tank.

Any help is appreciated as i would like to use the holes if possible, not sure how i would with my filter though.

Depends on how high you want the water level, if its lower than the holes you could use the holes for the external filter of not you wilklneed to block them up.

Get some silicon sealant and glass pieces to block the holes if required.
you could always get a smaller tank to use as a sump and use the holes for drain and return pipes.

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