New Tank Plants and Algae


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I have my 30 gallon tank up and running now for a little over a week. I plan to have a fair amount of plants in it but I only have a few in it now. As such, I put a layer of Laterite at the bottom of the tank when I first set it up and I did put three plants in it - an anubius, an Amazon swordplant and an anacharis. The tank has less light than I first thought when I bought it. The salesman told me the hood had two 30 watt bulbs in it but I didn't check at the time and it actually has two 25 watt bulbs. I have the light on a timer and have it going 12 hours per day.

First the plants: the anacharis seems to be growing pretty quickly. There seem to be lots of new shoots coming off of the main stems. I'm not too worried about this plant at the moment.

The swordplant seems pretty much the same as when I put it in, although some of the more raggedy, mature leaves seem to have disintegrated. Most of the new leaves that seem to be growing in are red, although actual growth is not really that noticeable. Does this seem normal?

The Anubius has three large leaves and a new smaller leaf that seems to have started sprouting since I put it in the tank a week ago. The small leaf seems healthy and is showing signs of growth. However, one of the larger leaves is starting to turn yellow from the stem upward. Is this a sign of a lack of light, nutrients, CO2?

What should I be doing to promote plant growth? Do I need to buy a new light fixture?

I also ordered some additional plants for the tank from the Aquatic Plant Depot. I've been looking around at the lfs's in the area and I wasn't too pleased with either the ones I bought, although they seem ok, or the ones available at other stores in the area. I ordered Hornwort and Dwarf Sag. I'm wondering if this is either going to require more light and nutrients and if it will have an effect on algae growth in the tank.

Algae: I am starting to get some algae growth in the tank. I'm not overly concerned about this as it seems to me that algae should be part of a natural ecosystem and eventually algae eaters will be introduced into the tank. However, my ammonia is currently at about 2 ppm and I'm waiting for it to cycle before adding fish.

I seem to have a few different kinds of algae in the tank. Some of it is green and is forming on the back of the tank and on flat surfaces of the rocks. There is also a brighter green algae that can be seen on the leaves of the anubius and some stringy, pale algae on the swordplant. The algae on the plants seems to have been there since I introduced them into the tank. There is yet another kind of algae that is grayish-white and hairy that is forming on pieces of driftwood I have in the tank. Should I be doing something to control this algae or should I just wait it out until I buy some algae eaters and give them a nice treat when they arrive?

Any adivce on what I should be doing to maintain the plants and keep algae at acceptable levels is much appreciated.
I just thought I'd bump this since I didn't get any replies.

Just to simplify, I have the tank set up and I have three plants in it. They all seem to be showing signs of growth, although some more than others. However, I'm getting concerned about the algae that's growing in the tank. There is some "bad" (bluish green) algae on the Anubius and Swordplant, but mostly I have green algae that's probably feeding off the nutrients for the plants, or ammonia from the fishfood I put in.

I've tested the water and ammonia and nitrates have been zero for a couple of days. I'm getting concerned about the algae now and I'd like to buy a fish that will start to eat it. Is it ok to start a tank off with an algae eating type fish or should I stick with something hardier, like tetras?

I'm probably going to try cleaning some of the algae off by hand tonight. It's probably not a big deal but I want a somewhat clean tank. Oh and I bought some other plants by mail order but unfortunately the post office didn't leave them so I'll have to pick them up tomorrow. Maybe they will help with the algae problem, as well.
:hi: Hi FoundMoney, (wish I could find Some :D ), suggest to go to the "Plants and planted tank" section. There is a thread there called "Hair Algae how do I get rid of it". You'll find on the second page, it was started by Ste J. When you open it go to page 2, there you will see a reply by GF225. Eurika, you have foung Thee Guy (IMO) who knows a great deal about the removal of Algae, also more impotantly the Prevention of it.
Personally I also am struggling with a couple of types myself. I am doing things that GF225 suggests, like changing the lighting cycle etc. But it's early days yet for me to draw any conclusions.
Hope this Link helps. Regards John.

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