New tank on the way


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
20 Miles from Hell, California
I think I've got a new tank coming. My g/f works with this guy who has a larger corner tank (50-70 US gals??? from what we're told) that he hasn't used in about 10 years. I haven't seen it personally and I don't know what the dimensions on it are yet. With new furniture coming in they're wanting to get rid of it, so he's going to give it to us for pretty cheap. $100 is what I'm going to offer him for the tank and the stand.

My question is after sitting for so long, am I going to have to reseal the corners? It was also used as a salt water tank, but I'm going to put freshwater in it. Hopefully discus. But I'm just unsure what steps I need to take to get it clean. Especially for discus because they are so delicate. Thanks in advance.
id just give it a realy good scrub down, most ppl will avoid bleech (i do also because i have an allergie towards it) but i dunno, maybe a realy light bleech soloution could help? ( i mean realy realy diluted) or iv been told lemon/lime juice will help..

id also do some askin around aboiut the filters and stuff, with it being used as marine before the salt might not help with some freshwater fish...

good luck with ur new tank hope it turns out great for u :)

sounds like a bargin
Its been sitting for ten years... I would look at the seals first to see if they are still pretty rubbery then fill it up and make sure it doesn't leak. If it does then just buy a aquarium grade silicon for like 8 or 9 dollars and patch it up.
It sounds awesome though
good luck
fill it with water first see if it leaks. If not then you can move onto cleaning. I've used vinegar to clean my fish equipment it's pretty good at cutting through the crud and rinses off well.
Thanks everyone. I'll try some of the ideas out and see how it goes. Still haven't received it yet, but hopefully I'll have the dimensions by the end of the day.

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