New Tank, New To Saltwater


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Ok all. I have had/have many fresh water tanks. I was jst given a 18gal tank by a friend. i would like to Clown fish only in it. i dont want expensive fish maybe a few damsels also. I have a friend who is goign to help me set it up but she isnt around for my questions at the moment. she has a 55 or so gal saltwater tank.
But I would like any & all advice good,bad, happy, sad so I dont mess it up :unsure:
Is 18gal ok? what type of filter should i use? Do I have to use sand or can i use gravel? Where is it cheaper to get suppiles Petsmart or Petco. I know a private place that sells healthy saltwater fish but the supplies are Way 2 expensive. Clueless but determined. Thanks for your time!

RaeRae :D
I would advise to read as much as possible, read through every single thread if you can.

Make sure you use ro water from the start, use live rock as your filter and make sure you have good circulation of atleast 20 times per hour.

Use aragonite marine sand and a good quality salt.
18 gallon might be a little small for a starter tank, unless you are ready too keep up the water quality :S You might want to start with at least a 30g. as for clowns and damsels, i don't know how many damsels you could put in that tank with your clown as damsels are known to be pretty aggressive and will probably bully a smaller species of clown
Hmm I think i will stick with what I know best..freshwater. When i decide to get a bigger tank then I think I will move up to Saltwater. LOL I'll get one of those starter kits that comes with everything! :lol:
I dont think I have the paitence for a small one anyway. I'll want to put all kinds of fish in there when I can only have small & few. :/ I have a tendency to overload my fish at times. I see so many i like & well... My 10 gal has 2 too many in it. but they are doign fine. i can get away with things like that in my Fresh water but Saltwater is more complicated. Thanks everyone! :fun:

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