New Tank, New Fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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im getting a new tank it 2.5 ft i wANT TO Put cichlids in it but not sure pf type, they need to be small and i would like to breed them, the water around my area is hard and ive heard that can be a problem??
Not a problem for African cichlids. They come from hard water areas. Try researcing Lake Malawi cichlids, they're fantastic!
2.5ft tank is a bit too small to keep malawi's really.have a look at apistogramma's and rams.
Apistogramma cacatuoides will probably be ok. Just depends on exactly how hard the water is.

There are some smaller malawi cichlids (shell dwellers), or even pelvicachromis pulcher or pelvicachromis taeniatus (of which there are some fantastic colour varities, but can be hard to find).

A few small ones to look into:
Anomalachromis thomasi
Nanochromis parilus
Archocentrus spilurus (although might be a bit large)

I could be wrong on some of these being ok in hardish water, but most are relatively small. Do some searching for them on internet to see if any are suitable.

Do you have tests to be able to tell us exactly how hard your water is? What is the ph of your water as well?
im not getting the tank till tonite so as yet it doesn't have any water in or any sort of set up, so im trying to find out the perfect set up for a tank for cichlids but i know my water is hard, and if its anything like my pther tank it will have a ph of about 8ish
My Malawis live in high ph water and all are growing at a rate of knots and breeding to boot. The ph should be fine. They prefer hard water.
Depends on what types you get really. It'd be far too small for mine but the lil shell dwellers and other small species would be fine. If you want to eventually get the larger species you'd need a good sized tank for them. Mine were in a 44g but moved to their new home in the 100g. They were happy in both but most aren't full grown yet so they would have outgrown their smaller tank. Mine have young already too. :D The oldest of which are about half an inch now. :wub:
Look around for the smaller species and check their requirements and aggression levels. All this will come into play with cichlids. Also be worth putting this in the African cichlid section where there's several ppl with better knowledge. :thumbs:
What is the lenghtxwidthxheight of the tank? If its tall and long enough you may be able to get angelfish.
What is the lenghtxwidthxheight of the tank? If its tall and long enough you may be able to get angelfish.

L30inc x w13inc x d13.5inc =5265?
ive have had a suggestion of putting malawi's in it, its got wood and a couple of rocks, gravel, i dont want to put plants in it, as i have already got a planted tank and i want this on to be different, my only problemas well is what size heater and filter to get the ones pets at home suggested seam to small, they said id need a 25w heater and a small filter, now ive got a spare 50w heater do u think that will do, and also i was going to get the next size filter from what they suggested, do u think this will be ok or should i just listen to the experts at pets at home?

sorry bit of a long post


ps thanks for all of your help so far
What is the lenghtxwidthxheight of the tank? If its tall and long enough you may be able to get angelfish.

L30inc x w13inc x d13.5inc =5265?
ive have had a suggestion of putting malawi's in it, its got wood and a couple of rocks, gravel, i dont want to put plants in it, as i have already got a planted tank and i want this on to be different, my only problemas well is what size heater and filter to get the ones pets at home suggested seam to small, they said id need a 25w heater and a small filter, now ive got a spare 50w heater do u think that will do, and also i was going to get the next size filter from what they suggested, do u think this will be ok or should i just listen to the experts at pets at home?

sorry bit of a long post


ps thanks for all of your help so far
Unless the room is very stable in temperature, it needs a 75w/100w heater but the 50w will do while you get it set up.
A Fluval 2+ or equivalent will do for filtration.

It is too small for Malawis but would be ok for some Tanganiknans - shellies as already mentioned or the smaller Julidochromis or lamprologus species. - You'd need to take the wood out & have sand as a substrate for these.
Kribs or their relatives would be ok but look up Anomalochromis thomasi

What is the lenghtxwidthxheight of the tank? If its tall and long enough you may be able to get angelfish.

L30inc x w13inc x d13.5inc =5265?
ive have had a suggestion of putting malawi's in it, its got wood and a couple of rocks, gravel, i dont want to put plants in it, as i have already got a planted tank and i want this on to be different, my only problemas well is what size heater and filter to get the ones pets at home suggested seam to small, they said id need a 25w heater and a small filter, now ive got a spare 50w heater do u think that will do, and also i was going to get the next size filter from what they suggested, do u think this will be ok or should i just listen to the experts at pets at home?

sorry bit of a long post


ps thanks for all of your help so far
Unless the room is very stable in temperature, it needs a 75w/100w heater but the 50w will do while you get it set up.
A Fluval 2+ or equivalent will do for filtration.

It is too small for Malawis but would be ok for some Tanganiknans - shellies as already mentioned or the smaller Julidochromis or lamprologus species. - You'd need to take the wood out & have sand as a substrate for these.
Kribs or their relatives would be ok but look up Anomalochromis thomasi


the tank in in my lounge and is next to the rad but not to close, i was think of putting 3 females 1 male of somthing like malawis
Firstly, did you have a look at any of the fish I mentioned?

Secondly, even if your water is a bit hard, you might be able to make it acceptable for many other fish besides malawis by filtering through peat.

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