New Tank / Journal With Pics

Chaeto can be lit either way... If it aint broke, don't fix it
Oh no why not Big C???? I did it on thursday night!!!! Im worried now?
I have been away from my tank since friday night but am getting back to it tomorrow, parents are looking after it and they say everything is ok. Will definetly post pics tomorrow when I return.
Everything seemed ok friday night when I left the tank and my parents say it is ok with all inhabitants still alive. I will probably be taking the tang back this week and get a permanent resident. I was thinking maybe a firefish but have heard that they jump? is this true as my tank is open top.

Also as I now working for an aquatics shop I will be probably be buying a small skimmer as I get 25% off everything. Also looking at different corals as well at the moment. They have some fantastic Hard corals there aswell.

Thanks again
also another thing would I have space for a dwarf angel in my tank?
If it's going to be fish only, sure. If you're planning on keeping corals a dwarf angel is a pretty hefty risk.
Ok well I have just got back and my tank is fine. I have just done some tests on it and here are the results:
Temp - 79F
S.G - 1.024
PH - 8.3
KH - 9.6
Ammonia - <0.25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 350
Magnesium - 1110

The magnesium and calcium are a little low but will probably start dosing soon. The chaeto has almost grown 1/2 its size already and the algae although growing still is doing so very very slowly, so hopefully the chaeto will starve it soon enough.
Here are some pics straight after the scrubbing and water change and then today:

Straight after water change and re-scape:






Thanks again
Well the Chaeto growth is a good sign, at least you've got some competition going :good:. Keep it up, you'll win the war eventually :D
Well I got some of those true turbo's today, 5 to be precise and they are devouring the algae as we speak. Also got a mithrax crab. A risk I know but they are soo cute, but I will be keeping a close eye on him.
I am slowly beating this damn algae!!!!!
Thanks again
Algae is no longer growing!!!!! WOOOOO. Chaeto is winning I think along with numerous snails and the crab! Also I know its a tad early but got my first coral this morning from the place I work, a pussy coral. I think it is a member of the soft leather corals???
It had wilted in the bag while acclimatising but is looking very healthy now and full extended!!! As these get a quite big I understand I might try and make this a centre coral, we shall see. Picks tomorrow!!
Well here is an even better result, took the tang back and got two new clowns from the place I work already paired and I belive they are true percula clowns!!!!! Pics are below so if someone could confirm for me??
Chaeto is getting bigger, bought as 50grams and weighs in now at 80grams and has not been lit for very long at all. I transfer all the pods I can form the chaeto to the tank every week.
I know its bad but I keep being able to get corals cheap from work, so I added yesterday a small frag of green star polyps and a very small frag of yellow polyps. Along with the pussy coral they maybe my only softies. Now to get water chemistry, placement of the softies and fish stock correct, then some hard corals!!!! Which I love, such fantastic colours!!!!
Its funny because at the moment all I care about is corals, a part from my clowns I can't seee myself getting really any more fish for a while, corals are just soo interesting!!!!!!

And I would like to add that this is too adictive, I WANT A BIGGER TANK!!!!!! lol

Right now pics:
Here are three pics of my new clowns acclimatising:



Now corals all closed up due to pics being taken after lights out:
Green star polyps,

Yellow poylps

Pussy coral

Thanks again guys
Okay a question I would like a reply to fairly quickly. I have put my new clowns in and they are very happy. However I have my hydor koralia 1 one end of the tank and Hydor koralia 2 the other end. I have trialed with the flow for the last few days and have taken the little fish guards off you get with them as they impede alot of flow and with them off it seems to give an even spread to the flow. Now I am worried about the clowns getting to the impellers.
There is nowhere where they can get sucked in as it has grates but if they swim against the flow into the powerhead they can get to the impeller, is this possible??

I havent read anywhere of someone having this problem but I am just worried, I would really ideally like to keep them off but don't want to have a fish soup when I get back from work!!!!

Anyhelp will be appreciated
Okay I need some help. My pussy coral has shriveled majorly this morning. I woke up and found it very small compared to what it has been and all polyps withdawn. It has also turned a king of purple colour compared to its tanned colour before. I have heard that they can sulk for a couple of days sometime, I just wondered if this was more serious like its dying or something?
All water paremeters are perfect and havent changed since I got the coral on tuesday.
Here is a pic of it now, compare it to the one earlier in the thread???

Thanks again
Anyhelp will be appreciated :good:
Usually when they turn color like that but remain plump it means they're getting ready to shed :good:
Okay well thanks SKI the pussy coral has opened up again is thriving. The hair algae is all but gone, I think it has died as it went grey and transparent then most of it has disappeared, all that is left is just some green residue on the rocks.
HOWEVER I am now starting to get cyano n my sand and a tiny bit on the rocks. Im also getting tufts of brown algae on the rocks, like little clumps that look furry. Will post some pics tomorrow.

Will the chaeto out compete the cyano aswell or i defeating cyano a different story as I know cyano is a bacteria and not an algae??

All my parameters are stable apart from calcium which I am now dosing!!!

Thanks again

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