New Tank For Newbie!!


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
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I have just setup my new Juwel Rio 180 over the last 2/3 weeks. It looks really good, I have a golden substrate with lot's of fake tree roots and a sunken log. I have only guppies in it at the moment as the tank isn't cycled yet but everything is going very well. I have tested the water and all the levels are in tolerance. I'm just made up, I can't believe it I'm now completely hooked.

I have a few questions?

1, is the standard filter system any good?
2, do dwarf gourami's go well with guppies?
3, when would you consider a spotted sailfin plec to big for a 180litre tank?

Thanks in advance and be warned pics will follow!!

GixxerAndy :flex:
Hi GixxerAndy

Tank sounds great. I cycled with guppies and all went well, but when I added other fish i had to watch the parameters again, it to about 8 weeks in total. I recorded my findings which might be helpful to you here. Be careful as you add more fish, you can see that reading do move about a bit. (Your reading will be different of course but this may give some indication of what to expect).

1. I have a Jewel Rekord 70 and have found the filter to be really great, however my pump was not working well the other day and I found out that I had to take the filter apart to clean it (which was not in the instruction book) and then the pump was great again.

2. & 3. Sorry no idea but I do believe there are plenty of websites that show compatability of different fish. (someone will answer that here as well)

Good luck with your continuing cycle, you sound like it has you hooked, it did me too, it's great isn't it. :cool:
#2. I myself have 3 guppies and am going to buy 2 dwarf gouramis. I've heard that the work well together and i have seen them together also and they do fine. So ya, I say you could get a couple. ;)

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