New Tank For Midnight.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2009
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i finally got round to putting midnight into his own tank. ive had it set up for a while now and last night i put him in. He seems to be liking it at the moment. He is sharing with 4 panda corys which he doesnt seem bothered about at all, which is a releif. Ive added my 5 orange guppies and 6 new sunset guppies to midnights old tank and the tetras are so much more active now that midnight has gone! So all the fish are happy! Yay. Now im happy. I will be adding more things to go in the tank, but just thought i'd let him settle in first.
Anyway, here his new tank:

i finally got round to putting midnight into his own tank. ive had it set up for a while now and last night i put him in. He seems to be liking it at the moment. He is sharing with 4 panda corys which he doesnt seem bothered about at all, which is a releif. Ive added my 5 orange guppies and 6 new sunset guppies to midnights old tank and the tetras are so much more active now that midnight has gone! So all the fish are happy! Yay. Now im happy. I will be adding more things to go in the tank, but just thought i'd let him settle in first.
Anyway, here his new tank:


I like it :good:

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