New tank for Hugo!


New Member
Dec 3, 2002
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:/ Hello,

I am going to be purchasing a new tank after xmas, which I believe is 12 inch by around 6 inch. I already have a siamese fighting fish (called Hugo) and he is going to be placed in this tank after is is ready! I would also like to introduce some new fish such as tetras or guppies! Is this possible? I am aware that Hugo needs some floating plants but do his requiremnets match those of the Tetras! what other requirments is there? is there any theme such as oriental or sunken city which will compliment my fish? I am grateful for any help given!
Hi, Iain, thats not a very big tank you'll be getting at all. To be fair I think that for the fish's sake it'd best be keeping hugo on his own. You could perhaps get away with 2 white cloud mountain minnows also. Why don't you want to get a bigger tank, they may not be as much more expensive as you would think and there should be some deals in the run up to christmas :thumbs: just read u say after christmas... perhaps even cheaper B) B)
If you are able to make it down t West London my local lfs has just been extended and he'f flogging his old display tanks (24" X 12 X 10 approx) for £5 each first come first served.
Where abouts CCL i'll have one :D :D does he have any bigger ones ?
creamcheeseandlox said:
If you are able to make it down t West London my local lfs has just been extended and he'f flogging his old display tanks (24" X 12 X 10 approx) for £5 each first come first served.
Now theres a bargain! :D :D :D :fun:
Its called Fins, Fur and Feather in Heston. There number is on but Im too lazy to get it. :p
Thanx. What tank do you reckon is best then? You got a great service going!Cheers!
The bigger the better. Get the biggest one you can afford. Also, don't put male guppies in with Hugo. He'd more than likely think them as competition and start fighting them :rolleyes:

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