New Tank For Fresh Water Fish That Used To Be For Salt Water


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2007
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Duluth, Minnesota (USA)
Hello! I just bought a 40 gallon breeder tank with a wood stand and lighted hood for $75.00. It has a built in filter system ( a black acrylic box syliconed to the glass with a one inch hole through the glass about six inches from the top of the tank. It has a gasket (I think thats what it is called) screwed in the hole attached to inches of tubing on the outside of the tank) but doesn't have the rest of the set up with it. I think it was used for salt water fish before. Can I get rid of what is left of the filter system and is there some way to plug the hole and just use my emperor 280 filter system? Thanks!
Sounds like a weir and an overflow for a sump or similar. Sure you can get rid of it, then silicone a piece of glass over the hole, (on the inside of the tank of course).

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