New Tank Filter


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
Hey guys my new tank will be here thursday/friday and from what i can gather from posts on this forum running the tank for a week is just to check if all the equipment is working properly...

So my thought is have the new filter have it running alongside my undergravel filter (i can turn down the rate the UG pulls the water) in my already established tank to speed up the cycle process for a week and just get the heater up and running in the new tank for the week, then after the week transfer the new filter into my new tank and half of the water out my old tank so the bacteria has something to nibble on until i put the fish in.

What do you guys think?

You're asking if a new filter can run alongside an existing filter for a week to "cycle". No.

To "clone" a tank, which is what I believe you're intending, is to literally share some of the media from a mature tank in to a new filter. This boosts the bacteria to the extent that the new filter should be capable of dealing with small amounts of waste (i.e. a reduced stock of fish) immediately rather than having to wait for a full cycle.

Without transferring some media from the old tank to the new tank, such speed increases aren't really available.

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