That looks like it's going to be a great looking tank! What are you planning to put in it? Incidentally, I have the exactly same background in all my tanks
temp, yeah i know hon... iv only just set it up thats why there is nothing in there... also the plants will need someting to feed off.. nitrate.
as for sloping it upwards... nargh i dont like that idea... i just think i have a bit too much gravel in there.
iv no idea what im putting in it yet... spose when its time to add fish ill run round glovers (like last time) and stand there pointing that one that one that one ooohhh two of them and ohhhhh 6 of them (like last time)
to be told ummm no u cant mix them with that or this with them and that defo wont go ect ect ect
as for the background... i tried for somthing lighter... on the reverse side its got this desert thing and a bright blue sky.... with a gigantic peice of bogwood.... but it looked a bit naff... my other one has got a pic of piled up slate... looks cool except u cant see it lmao