New Tank Cycle


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
newcastle upon tyne
hi i just got a new tank sat last week i have been trying to cycle it at first there was 0 amo 5 ppm nitrite 0 nitrate but now it is 0 ppm amo 0 ppm nitrite and 0 nitate the tank is a 64l with 1 new filter and 1 old filter that i took out of my Roma 240 but i wash the old filter in tap water once every 2 weeks when it was in my big tank i have 5 fish in the tank with 2 snails is this normal as i did not have a test kit when i did my big tank thanks for looking
i also have the main filter fluval 305 in the big tank so it don't matter if i wash the little filter in tap water as the 305 is washed in tank water and keeps the friendly bacteria alive

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