BGKF, unless they really want to go somewhere in a hurry, tend to angle themselves downwards, reducing the width they need. These are surprisingly agile fish, that use the depth of the tank as well as the width. They do 3 point turns, or vertical 180s like an aeroplane, more often than a straight flat turn, IME.
Mine turns around on a sixpence, and doesn't use anywhere near the 24" width he has (although to be fair he is only about 13" at present). I'm not convinced 100% that just the extra 6" width would be the make or break of this situation, personally, although obviously more is better. If you could get another 6" on the depth it'd help just as much in my view, don't know if that's possible? If not, don't go with 6" of substrate and a half filled tank, make the most of what you have.