New Tank Arrangements


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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First the shelving units...


New dwarf puffer tank... that I have to completely tear down and reseal. I got it used and it held water last time it was filled, but no longer :-( . At least the leak is slow, I just shoved a towel under it for tonight. Water is cloudy from the sand. Same footprint as a 20g long.


6 DPs in here, will be 7 come Tuesday.

Also a few dwarf crayfish


Female betta tank

Orange banded shistura loach therein

Betta albimarginata, licorice gourami, chocolate gourami, and Dario dario tank. Anything tiny and harmless gets thrown in here.

New licorices ^_^

Brackish tank. The plants are saltwater macroalgae.

Brackish blenny and hermit crab. The blenny is an asshole to the max.


Re-done 5 gallon that used to house the pair of puffers before I added to the ranks. Now just has 4 Corydoras habrosus, but I'll probably be adding a pair of Betta brownorum... or something else cool. I think cherry shrimp would be a good addition, too.
ace tanks, lovely set-ups
your moss ball is big, if looks good too.
i love the DP tank, and the crayfish is an intresting addition.
i usally like to see well planted tanks that dont look bare, but yours somehow amaze me, they arent planted lots but still look great
all in all, well done for producing and maintaining such lovely and beautiful tanks.
Very nice tanks. I like them all. The first 4 i will put bettas in them. The other i will mix the species.
nice tanks synirr, how are the blennys doing in a group of 3?

Nice tanks :D In the first shot of tanks, what size tank is the bottom one, the one that has what looks like a Giant Gourami and Tiger Oscar in it?
How do you manage to have no algae in any of your tanks?! Even the brackish one?

I'm very envious.
Well I have seen it all now.......My god!.....I had a 4 footer in the front room untill my wife wanted it (the room) decorated. Was relegated to the study and a 2 footer. After MUCH sniveling I now have a 155ltr and feel pleased at that. NOW I feel totally deprived in seeing your lot!

Congratulations on your tanks BTW, lucky bugger :p
:lol: that reminds me of what our front room looked like before we bought the new house, you need a fishroom my friend.

Lovely collection of set ups youve got there.
:crazy: your electricity bill must be ginormous?!

Lovely tanks and setup's you have there though :good: And yes - no algae in any of them? :blink:
i can explain the fact there is no algae :shifty:

this is an april fools joke and she just got a load of tanks this morning and filled them with water to make it LOOK like shes got loads of tanks :shifty:

:lol: joking. i know it isnt a joke :good:

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