New Tank, and could use suggestions

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Aug 14, 2005
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I've been reading over this site for about a week now and decided to join up. I've had a 5 gallon tank which I've gone through Ick, Algea and Nitrate issues with over a year or so now. Finally got a decent handle on keeping a small tank. Went through all the growing pains of not cleaning and maintaning it as often, and to many fish. The common problems with Newbies without advice.
After finally getting the small tank in good order for months now, I decided to upgrade and get a larger tank. I bought a 46gal. Euro tank with stand. It currently has 50 lbs. of Med. sized rock, Ornaments which don't take up a whole lot of room, with one that has a large hiding space. Have a couple of live plants and some grass.
The filter is a Penguin 350, can't remember the heater brand right now. I have already gone through water conditioning, and bacteria starting. Fish currently in it are doing well. I transferred my Guppies from the small tank to the large tank. The 46G tank currently is home to 6 Guppies, 2 African Drawf Frogs, and the latest addition of 2 Red Finned (Rainbow) Sharks. The Sharks are about 1.5" long at this time. I really wanted a pair of Bala Sharks but found out their future size and thought I shouldn't. Went with the Red Finned Sharks due to their reported 6" max size.
I tried to research different fish and their growth to anticipate the needs of the fish later on. After reading this forum for a week, I have found that things I was considering aren't such a good idea. I thought about a pair of Blue Crayfish. Read two good articles that didn't make me feel good about getting those. Didn't have advice that they grow to a foot. Thought about Clams until reading about their spawning issues. Have read now that the Sharks I have will become testy with smaller fish later on. The problem I'm having is finding a happy meduim while having a nice combination of residents in the tank. I love abnormal things but finding issues with them. So I decided to ask the forum's advice. What type of fish do you think would compliment this tank?
Things I've considered:
2 Red Clawed Crabs, said to grow to 1.5" ?????????
2 Apple Snails
3 Panda Cories

I must admit the thought of a Cichled tank has been a thought since the search for a regular tropical tank isn't going well. I have had Betta (He has his own tank) a common Pleco (Gave away due to 7.5" size in old tank) Red tip barbs, Guppies, African Drawf Frogs, Neons, Ghost Shrimp, and Mystery Snails.
Please, advice is wanted. Good or Bad.
Thanks much,
hi and welcome to the forum.about your new tank,im no expert but i was told when i got my rainbow shark thnat they get very terrortorial when they get older to other fish but very aggresive to other rainbow sharks unless you have a big tank but i think 555 gal may be a bit too small for the two of them but i would just see how it for the crabs i wouldnty have a clue but im guessing there not a good idea but dont go by my advice.corys are brill and are great for any good sized tank and theres a wide variety of them as well.i think maybe 5 would be a good amount in your tank as there schooling fish and do well in groups of 4 or more.and the apple snails are ok i would think,a few people on this forum have them and they seem very peaceful in there tanks as far as i know.i hope this helped and im sure other people more experianced can help you further and correct some of my info i have gave. :D
Yeah you should only keep one rainbow shark in your tank. They are very agressive towards there own species.
Thanks for the advice. Kinda depressing about the Sharks, they play alot together right now. Hmm, another reason for another tank. And I'll add a couple more Cory's onto my list then.
Anyone else, please chime in. :)
If you're considering cories but have had problems with your tank water in the past, i wouldnt go for panda cories. Ive read and heard from people that they are very sensitive and cant tolerate much change. You can still have a nice school of cories though since you have the room, any of the other cories would do fine but if you want them to school, then keep them same species. Peppered only school with peppered and bronze only school with bronze.
illusion54 said:
If you're considering cories but have had problems with your tank water in the past, i wouldnt go for panda cories. Ive read and heard from people that they are very sensitive and cant tolerate much change. You can still have a nice school of cories though since you have the room, any of the other cories would do fine but if you want them to school, then keep them same species. Peppered only school with peppered and bronze only school with bronze.

I ended up getting 6 Panda Corie's. I'm not having any trouble with the large tank. It's the small one that used to give me problems. The Corie's are pretty cool so far. They have explored and do school together. They also hang at the bottom together alot and just sit around.

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