New Tank And Catfish Tank Mates


New Member
Feb 2, 2008
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I am looking at starting a new tank within the next month or so, 20 gallons and quite shallow and elongated, perfect for bottom feeders and such. I really love catfish and am looking to have them comprise as much of the tank as possible.

I definitely know that I want a few panda corys. To add some diversity to my tank, I will probably also add a few docile female bettas I have.

My biggest question is if I could put a couple of Pictus in this tank as well. I know they are much larger than corys, but I have read that they can also get along well together.

If not, does anyone know of any other larger catfish which would live well with corys? What about upside-down catfish?

Additionally, what would be the best for cories, gravel or sand. I currently have topfin brand gravel but I don't want to hurt their barbs. Would this be an issue?

Thanks for your help!
Hi zimmermanem :)

You're in the US, right? That being the case, did you know that a 29 gallon tank has the same footprint as the 20 gallon long you have described? The 20 gallon long measures 30"x12"x12" and the 29 gallon measures 30"x12"x18". This means the cost of the hood and light and even the stand is probably the same.

Corys are very peaceful schooling fish who get along with most all peaceful community tank fish. They do not do that well with bettas, however. This is not because of disposition, but rather of environment. Corys need well oxygenated, moving water, while bettas need still and calm water. It will be stressful on one to meet the needs of the other. Depending on the species, the corys might need a different temperature water too.

Your tank will not be big enough to keep pictus catfish as well. They should be kept in a school while they are young and do better with larger fish than corys. Once your tank is established, small catfish such as otos should do well.

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