I (finally) cycled a 10 gallon tank and today got a glofish tetra. I read that it's best to start with a light load to make sure ammonia doesn't spike. All of my water parameters are good (0 nitrate, 0 ammonia, 10 nitrate, pH and everything else in a good range, temp is 79) but the fish seems stressed doing a lot of glass surfing. I am unsure if this is just due to the transition from going into a new tank or if the fish is super stressed being the only one in the tank. I plan to add 3 or 4 more but I wanted to keep an eye on water parameters before loading the tank. Is this a mistake? Should I add 1 or 2 more tetras now so the first one isn't so stressed? Or wait about a week and make sure that water quality holds up? This is my first aquarium and it's a gift for my daughter so I want it to be great and filled with healthy, happy fish. Thanks in advance for any input or advice!