New Sub-form Surgestion


I don't bite, all that often...
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, United Kingdom
Hi there. I was wondering whether it would be possible to have a part of the forum dedicated to fish breeding, rather than having questions about the subject scattered accross the various other forums. This would put all the information into one place, making information on a specific species breeding habits easier to find/ask about. It would be especialy useful for rarer species, or ones with unusual breeding habits, when compaired to others in their genus.
What is the consensus for this idea? Anyone agree/dissagree. I don't mind either way.
We used to have one, but it works better to ask about breeding a particular fish in the area dedicated to it. It was found that breeding expertise was split as many people who keep and breed (say a rare plec) wouldn't check the breeding section, but could answer any breeding questions in the relevant section.
I don't even remember us having a breeding forum :crazy:

When was it born/destroyed?
Andy is right. It didn't work properly. People wanting to breed tetras got fed up with wading through pages of Betta stuff etc. and the real breeding specialists never bothered going in there, they stuck to the specialised areas. It won't be coming back.
There are advantages to having breeding info in the individual sections. Many times fish breeding is not by the owner's decision, the fish decide that one. When Joe or Joan Newbie with their tank stocked with platys or whatever notice fry, they will have had a better chance of having read something about breeding in passing in the livebearer section. This gives them a leg up on the situation, as they may not wander into the breeding section.

When the breeding section was on the board it was often unused, as most members would post breeding questions in their corresponding sections. You have to understand that keeping & breeding a certain species go hand in hand, more so than breeding different species relate to each other.
Instead of having a specific breeding experience in a new sub-forum, why not just put it in the profile (section) of the species on here? Then those looking/searching for that species can find it there.
I do like the idea, but perhaps going in a two forum way.

Easy to breed (shop livebearers, danio's, fighting fish, cichlids)

Difficualt to breed (wild livebears, tetra's, rasas, cichlids etc etc)
Or make the forum invite only so noob's have no input unless requested or voted on.
the thing is that even easy vs hard doesn't really encompass the reasons for those divisions. for example: mouthbrooding cichlids and mopspawning killies are both tougher than usual to breed, but there's essentially no information overlap on them.

i agree with Tolak that the information you need for breeding is more or less the same information that you need for general upkeep.

anyways, it seems that the forums most plagued with breeding questions aren't filled with diverse or interesting questions--it's almost always people who haven't paid attention to the pinned topics.

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