New Sub-Board?

Should there be a new 'quiz and poll section' sub-board on the forum?

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& Oddballs
May 20, 2010
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Does anyone think the forum should have a new sub-board called 'quizzes and polls' where members can post quizzes and polls?
Under the 'tropical discussions' boards?
Carl :good:
+1 for something along those lines
I dont really see the point if im honest. Theres only a few about so whats the point in having a hole section for them. i think stuff like this should just go in the general chat section.
Well maybe there aren't lots of quizzes because there isn't a section for them.
A few yeears ago, I joined a forum. Since then though, they've added a quiz section and now everyday, members are posting quizzes like mad :hyper:
TBH there is no harm in trying it out and also it doesn't have to be a new board, it could be a sub-board on the 'Tropical Discussion' section :good:
i dont think it should be
in tropical discussion
i think it should be in
general chat board
But isn't the General Chat Board somewhere where you chat about everything but fish :blink:
Forum is already clogged with low traffic sub boards, don't need to add more clutter.

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