New stocking ideas?

Anonymous Fox

Fish Addict
Mar 27, 2021
Reaction score
Venus (I move a lot)
Dwarf gouramis

I had five, now two, one died from dwarf gourami disease, and two disappeared, I like gouramis and would really like to get more, but I'm scared if I got honey gouramis, they would get dwarf gouramis disease ): this was my post on 'what fish do you reget buying?'
as you can see above, 3 of my dwarf gourami's died.
leaving 2.
what should I stock my tank with now?
I would really like some sort of cichlid but they wouldn't get along with the dwarf gourami's, would they? maybe some glowlight tetras?
pH: 6.5
GH: 7
No2: 0
No3: 0

current stocking: 3 bloodfin tetras (the pet store had none) 8+ silvertip tetras, 2 dwarf gouramis

tank size: 47 gallon hexigon tall
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We need to know the tank size (dimensions and volume).

But I can say that you should not combine cichlids and gourami. And you should not have either in with fish like the bloodfins that are known to fin-nip sedate fish. You may not have seen any fin nipping yet, but it can be just a matter of time. The Silvertip Tetra has been known to get nippy too, but usually among its own and with a group as here (eight) likely not.
We need to know the tank size (dimensions and volume).

But I can say that you should not combine cichlids and gourami. And you should not have either in with fish like the bloodfins that are known to fin-nip sedate fish. You may not have seen any fin nipping yet, but it can be just a matter of time. The Silvertip Tetra has been known to get nippy too, but usually among its own and with a group as here (eight) likely not.
maybe they are the culprits of the dissapearances of fish

it's only a matter of time until they get caught red- finned
get it?

But I can say that you should not combine cichlids and gourami. And you should not have either in with fish like the bloodfins that are known to fin-nip sedate fish. You may not have seen any fin nipping yet, but it can be just a matter of time. The Silvertip Tetra has been known to get nippy too, but usually among its own and with a group as here (eight) likely not.
yes... ik.... my mom wanted something colorful for the tank. I told her we could get some barbs or other tetras, but she really wanted the gouramis smh, I didn't wanna make a scene in the pet store, so I just went with it
yes... ik.... my mom wanted something colorful for the tank. I told her we could get some barbs or other tetras, but she really wanted the gouramis smh, I didn't wanna make a scene in the pet store, so I just went with it

Well...if the dwarf gourami keep dying off, this may solve the problem. Explain that gourami and cichlids are likely to continue having this trouble, and they are being unfairly treated by being in a tank with "enemies." The bloodfins are in much too small a group and are going to limit options. There are lots of colourful fish, but not suited with bloodfins.

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