New Stocking...Dunno What To Go With


Aug 6, 2009
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I lost my Tapajo and Rokeil Sev last week to weird circumstances...everythign else is fine etc.

Anyway i'm not gonna take risks...i'll keep heavy water changing until after Xmas.

I did find out my 2nd External Filter has stopped i assuemd i got a massive Ammonia spike or something...but results claim god knows.

Anyway i'm down 2 one external now (with the second externals media jam packed inside it)


My current stock is...

2 x Angels
1 x Severum
3 x Silver Dollars
2 x Platys
5 x White Tipped Tetras
1 x Nicaraguense
1 x Bristlenose Plec

What shall i go with to replace my losses?

This is my shortlist...

8 x Tiger barbs + 5 x more White Tipped Tetras


Blue Acara + 5 x More White Tipped tetras


A new idea all together to add to my current stock? (no oddballs or predatory)


Sell everything and buy a Long Finned Oscar and a Gibbi Plec.
If your thinking FM, why not try one of the more beautiful, more peaceful Thorichthys species, like Ellioti or Aureus.
Blue Acara + 5 x More White Tipped tetras!

I have a BA and love him, he lives with a convict, 2 Fm's a Golden sev and some TB's and gets on brilliantly.

He chases the FM's a wee bit but is a great fish to watch!
If your thinking FM, why not try one of the more beautiful, more peaceful Thorichthys species, like Ellioti or Aureus.

I really want a Aureus like you had Minxy...just never seen one in real life (nor Ellioti)

Lots of time to decide guys and all suggestions are very welcome :)

I did have a pair of BA's before..they are nice, but i have a that feeling of 'Been tehre done that'

Basically i want to keep more Tetras with another peaceful 6-8" Cichlid (no bigger)

I actually have never kept Keyholes before and i'm tempted to give 2 of them a go...but nor sure how nice my Nic would be to them...shes pretty chilled nowadays but does tend to beat up new editions.

I also have the feeling that she may of been the cause of my 'disaster' while the lights were off becasue she hated my tapajo and my Sev was missing scales.
My Local Pets @ Home have Spotted Climbing Perchs for £2 each...labelled as 'Unknown cichlids' lol :p

What are these like to keep?
*sigh* those places never cease to amaze me mine have some african butterfly cichlids labeled as "mystery cichlid". I had a lengthy conversation and apparently mystery cichlid is their common name.....
The spotted perch might not be good. I don't know much about them but They have a big mouth and can be aggressive. Any small fish might get eatten. They grow really fast too.

What about rainbow cichlids. Or the Tbar if you could find one I think they are so neat.

Keyholes are nice mine is 1 and a half years. I love him but he is small 4.5" . I woul get another silver dollar.
Nah i havent got the room for another SD and i want another Cichlid, besides they are great in there small group despite people sayign they need to be in larger shoals...they are not skittish at all.

I'm tempted to stick with small stuff...not get anythign else big and just get a few diff groups of tetras and some corys.
I tried Rainbows before but found them pretty harassing to other fish... i had him when i had that huge Severum and Brasiliensis and he wouldnt leave them alone to the point where the Brasiliensis got a back bone and ripped a chunk out of the poor over territorial dudes head and i had to euthanize him.

They do look nice tho and would compliment a Nic well.

However i'm thinking more along the lines of mid sized peaceful Amazonian cichlids (despite the nic being central) now or just loads of colourful dithers.
Add another school. Maybe a few corys. You have a good amount of cichlids as is.

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