New Spawn Log


having watched the pair make many serious attempts to wrap and fail, i came to the conclusion that the female was too large. he wasnt quite big enough to grip her and she would simply slip from his embrace and swim off, leaving the male locked in his "C" shaped embrace. so i hummed and hawed about wether to swap the male or swap the female, i decided to swap the female for my marble pk girl, who is full sister to the male, so hopefuly i will still produce some black orchids, and mabe some BOPK... wath this space...

having watched the pair make many serious attempts to wrap and fail, i came to the conclusion that the female was too large. he wasnt quite big enough to grip her and she would simply slip from his embrace and swim off, leaving the male locked in his "C" shaped embrace. so i hummed and hawed about wether to swap the male or swap the female, i decided to swap the female for my marble pk girl, who is full sister to the male, so hopefuly i will still produce some black orchids, and mabe some BOPK... wath this space...
with an inexperienced male this will happen, i would leave her with him as it can 2 days for him to get it right
with an inexperienced male this will happen, i would leave her with him as it can 2 days for him to get it right

um ok.. i was kinda worried about her spilling her eggs out and him not fertalising them coz he can grip her properly, she is a little larger than him and he just cant seem to get a grip of her
not much to report today. female seems to be the one slacking off to day, but the male is becoming more active and doing alot more chasing.

could i possible spur her on a bit and have another female on the other side of the devider.. make her a bit jelous. id remover as soon as spawning apears iminant

split the pair up for a few days as the female completely lost interest and seems the male did too.

i reagranged the tank a little and stuffed the pair full of bloodworm.

this morning i reintroduced them and the female has been going nuts!! her striped are real dark and she is franticly displaying to the male under the nest, the male is chasing her and dispalying. they take a break every so often, but im hoping they will spawn soon. if they have not spawned tonight, i will feed them a couple of bloodworms to keep their streangth up and hopefuly they will spawn shortly after.

fingers crossed, im soooo hoping this pair spawn...
:hyper: :hyper:

finaly we have SPAWNAGE!!!!!!!!! i woke up and happened to look accross in time to see them wraping. judging by the size of the females belly still, they had not long started. the male is having some trouble wraping her coz shes a bit bigger than him, but ive seen a few good wraps so hopefuly in 36 hours il have me some lil babys :good:

we have babies! i was looking for ages last night and saw nothing, it dont help that the nest is it the back of the tank and difficult to see. this morning i still couldnt see anything but looked in about an hour ago and there was some lil wriglers. one wriggled out of the nest and dad chased him down and spat it back in the nest.. i think.. i just hopw hes not snacking on them, he does seem to be very very attentive to the nest at the moment, he has hardly left the nest at all since last night
Congrats on your babies.......that's great news. Fingers crossed he's a good daddy :good:
UPDATE 3 / 3 / 2008

fry are now one week old and doing well. they almost doubled in size already. im feeding them exclusively on atisons betta starter and it seems to work well. they fry are currently growing fast and well, and they fry are active and regularly on the move. as the tanks are mature there are alot of minute bugs and stuff and ive seen these being consumed too so they are getting some natural foods too.
the spawn was not a big one, mabey only 20-30 fry, and i think there is about 15-20 fry still in there
alls well so far :good:
UPDATE 17. 3 . 2008

fry are mostely doing well now, three weeks old. there is a wide range of sizes, some are still very small, only about the size of newborn molly fry, but some are about 3/4 of a cm long and starting to show some colour.. nice and dark :good:

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