i have had my new snowball plec for over a week now i have a whole range of foods catfish pellets, algae wafers,flake food,cucumber,frozen bloodworm and i have not seen him eat any of it yet, even the cucumber is still there in the morning 
he does go around the glass tho so i think that is him eating, the other fish eat the algae wafers and pellets before he finds them i think.
so my question is anyone out with a snowball can you please tell what yours eats please?
my tanks is 8 mouths olds and all stats are great btw.
thx for your time.

he does go around the glass tho so i think that is him eating, the other fish eat the algae wafers and pellets before he finds them i think.
so my question is anyone out with a snowball can you please tell what yours eats please?
my tanks is 8 mouths olds and all stats are great btw.
thx for your time.