new Snails


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I just got some snails sold as mystery snails, but I think they are apples. I am very pleased with them. One is dark yellow and one is black. They are about an inch +. They have settled well and survived the goldie frisk.

They are in a 40 usg long with a mature Orange oranda, a juvie blue/black oranda and a common goldie about 5 ".

The common is going to my lfs to be rehomed to a pond today or tomorrow,

black angel got me to test the ph. It is at about 7, maybe even lower. What should I do to bring it up for the snails?
im not too great on PH, but all the info ull need on them is here search the pages and use their forum, extremely helpful!
Well I had read this before I posted along with the pinned subjects on apples that I found. That is why I posted the question.

My water is generally considered hard. There is high levels of calcium in it--as my shower will attest. Still my ph tested very near the 7 level. I will test again and check my filter media to see if I am using something that lowers ph. I have lots of tetras and anabatoids in other tanks, so I tend to chose media that lowers ph.

Thanks for answering. It may be that they are in a safe range, and I misunderstood the ideal ranges.
Well their are things that lower Ph like chemichals ect. But its best not to add any chemical when not needed.

I woudl say your snails are fine, maybe add a little calcium, or feed calcium enriched food. As im pretty sure at the PH their shell will deform, or erode quicker. which will not make it look as good, but it will always eventually happen. feeding calciumw ill help keep the shell healthier.


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