New Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
Well my 40gal shrimp haven is well on the way to becoming established. I already have in 4 amanos, about 6 rainbows and a couple of dozen cherry/wild cherry shrimp. Also my 7 galaxy rasbora and 1 pygmy rasbora(who thinks hes a galaxy)are now in. The plants are beginning to grow and my bristlenoses have just bred too.

Aaaaaaanyway I was buying some ottos I spotted in a display tank and while the guy was catching them out lumbered this huge bright red bamboo shrimp. First impulse was to buy him (and at £6 he was a steal)but I stopped myself just in case my water wasnt quite right. The guy bagged my fish up and I was about to pay but I just couldnt leave him. So hes now relaxing in my tank and seems to be loving it. He has even shed. He loves to sit filtering either in a bunch of vallis or on the sponge I have over the power filter intake.

Any tips on keeping these guys? The tanks pretty mature and theres nothing in there that would mess with him. Do they do better in groups cos I would like another couple.
They do better in tanks with SERIOUS flow, so a lot of people give them a perch directly in the flow from a high powered flow pump. They like to sit in the flow filtering their food from the current.

oooh. :drool:

Mine's doing fine in my tank :D Although im thinking of adding another filter to increase currents, cause i now have 5 filter shrimp.... :hyper:

To feed them, i get some frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp and some flake, and i grind it all up and add water so its more or less a liquid. then i freeze it :D i feed a cube about once a week, or whenever i see any of the shrimp picking food off the floor. :good:

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