New Shrimp Setup


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
Ok so I got sick of my nano tank cos it was too small and I kept breaking bits off it. So I got myself a tank measuring 30"x10"x10" and Hagen luminaire thingy. The substrate is eco complete (that I've been dying to try for ages now) and filtration an old external ehime (probably a bit overkill but I'll have a sponge over the intake). I'm going to go very simple with the planting and initially have only xmas tree moss, crypts, moss balls and maybe anubias. Inhabitants will be crystal red shrimp, snowball shrimp, green shrimp (possibly bumblebee shrimp) and small suckermouths (maybe try and get some pitbull pl*cos or zebra ottos).


Tank site




Oh yeah? No random packet of mysterious liquid is gonna tell me what to do :X


Eco complete


Light thingy



Initial decor


Initial planting



Wel I hope you like it so far. Its still a work in progress as theres lots of things I dislike about it. The light for instance is much chunkier than I visualised so I hope to remove the black clamps as I cant really use them properly. Also I'll probably remove the front glass lip as theres no stress bar in the middle so it serves no purpose than to look untidy(I should have just asked them to omit these when I ordered the tank). I like the eco complete though its just a little courser grain than I would like(im just being picky). The only living things in the tank at the moment are trumpet snails but they seem to be doing great so I'll be adding a few cherry shrimp as canarys tonight and if they do ok I'll start moving in the CRS and snowballs next week.
looks better thank my tank thats been running for 6 months haha :D

looks fantastic! love the black substrate!
ooooooooooooo this has given me ideas!! looks wicked!! mine looks borin compared to that!! :unsure:
looks good t :good:
if you ever need more oak leaves let me know
regards scot :)

Oak leaves now theres a thought. Aye mate I shall give you a shout. I think theres still a few of yours left I'll probably chuck in.

Cheers guys im looking forward to it maturing nicely. Btw if anyone knows how to remove the plastic clamps from my luminair (GLO T5HO Linear Lighting System)can you let me know, they look really unsightly.
Very nice ~T~ At first glance, I thought that was nessy in the tank :lol:

Snowballs still on my wish list. They are going to stand out in the dark substrate :good:
Looking superb m8, how many bags of ecoo complete did you use?

Cheers mate :)

I actually only used one bag though it was just enough. I messed about with it so it was deeper at the back where most of the plants will be.

Well its doing not bad. I've moved most of my shrimp in and its just the crabs to go (its not heated yet). The xmas moss is already growing but the crypts melted back a fair bit though new leaves are forming. I'll get some updated pics soon.

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