New shovel nose cat


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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Ive just got myself another sorubim lima shovelnose to go with the one i already have,the poor little thing had been in the shop for months and was the only one left out of 3 after someone decided it was a good idea to put them into a tank full of nippy little barbs :-( He has a little fin and whisker damage and now due to my own stupidity has a big lump of net stuck to one of his pectoral fins as well :stupid: :*) (makes note to self not to net pimeloid catfish when you already know not to :crazy: dont worry folks the net will fall off of its own accord in a few weeks).Hes only about 6" long at the moment but they grow fast so now i really have to get my finger out to earn enough money for my new tank.
But for a fish that could get as big as 20" that is small,my other one is 12" and still growing.
cfc - fish rescuer :D

....why cann't you net them m8? and what do you do instead? :/

You shouldnt net any catfish but especially not any of the pimeloid species,the sharp spines on their pectoral and dorsal fins get hopeless tangled in the mesh of the net.To catch them it is much better to use a large jug or cup and to kind of shoo the fish into the vessel with your hand,with a little practice it can be done easier then using the net and is much less stressfull on the fish.
makes note to self not to net pimeloid catfish when you already know not to

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i know what you mean CFC i just did the same thing w/my spotted raphael except i used the "good net"ya know the one thats supposed to be safe for catfish*wink wink* :lol: he was ok though :D
btw-CFC what size tank do you keep the limas in?just curious B)
Im being bad really,the tanks only a 75g (about 90 us,i think) but it has super hi tech filtration so i dont get any water quallity probs,plus i moved things around a little to create as much swimming room as possible.It will only be a short term thing,later this year im upgrading to a 170g (200 US gallon) so theyll have plenty of room,may even get a third :eek:
Bless your heart for giving him a good home. :wub: I'm just sorry you had trouble with the net! :crazy: When you write note to self, make sure they are in Capital, Bold letters! :lol: Wouldn't want to do that ever again!

I think he will forgive you in time.... :D
cat fish crazy said:
super hi tech filtration
That just sounds funny to me

Limas are sweet cats, good find CFC. I can't wait till i get moved and have my 190 in my place. So many more options. I definately want a tankbuster. :)
couldnt you use a bucket too scope it out of the tank then take some water out so it cant hop out?I dont have any catfish but that seems easier, also i have a quistion what cat should i get wilth a ten galllon tank w/ 4 tetras and 4 guppies, my tank has cycled,
baseballfan111 said:
couldnt you use a bucket too scope it out of the tank
That is exactly what i was supposed to do but i was in a hurry and in my rush picked up the net to transfer the fish from the bag to the tank :fun: .

With a 10g you are limited to just corys or ottos,a group of three of either type would be good.
may I just say that some species of pim catfish can sting. I found this out when I got back home one day. my mum had had the lid off the redtailed cat tank because of the heat. when she went out of the room the catfish decided to make a bid for freedom and jumped right out. :sly: my mum came in to find him on the floor. after wresteling with him (all 18" @ the time) for some time. he managed to inbed one of his pectral (spelling) spined into her hand. she managed to get him back in after that. :lol: :lol: :lol:

hes alright now though and is currently 24". :wub:

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