New Short Bodied Betta & Dtpk Redblack


Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida, USA
check him out. kinda funny looking but i was buying 3 other pks from this breeder and i though he was cool.

did someone else buy the otheres like these of aquabid?

i think it was synirr?

anyone know if there fertile or not? looks like it would be hard for them to wrap when spawning?

Oh and im getting this one from

he comes with a matching female.


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hey cracker do you ever fet these guys in your spawns? it would be funny to see a fighter like this ahahha
The red black dtpk male and female arived today and i also picked up another mgpk female.

the pair is awsome, i released them together about 10 minutes after i got them and instantly the male started flaring and dancing, and the female barred up so bright. There color is pretty amazzing also. :good:

but for the short bodied it wont be till the 21st cause there coming from thailand. with a few ohers of course :rolleyes:
You know that breeding two DTs generally results in a lot of deformities, right? :/

Anyway, they are beautiful fishies. :)
oh yeah i knew that. generally they do, but people do it anyways. lol if i cant find another female close to him then i will also.
That DT is way too cute!! :wub:
The short-bodied fish are not genetically sterile that I know of, but I have heard that it is difficult for the males to wrap. I'm not sure how true that is though, their bodies are no shorter than that of a DT, and DTs breed fine. I imagine using a smaller female would help.
Yeah he is awsome, his color is better now and he is always active. he never stopes like some of my other fish. i have one plakat that wont move i thought he was sick but ive had him 3 months now and he still the same.

ill have to get some pics with out the betta spa in the water. hes a brighter red with some irids.

cracker says he doesnt like the irids, but what does he know! ahaha just joking.

the short body male hopefully would spawn with the female you gave me synirr. shes the same size since you shipped her, like 2 months ago, so i doubt she will get any bigger. and most of my females are huge, just as round as long sometimes. lol

thanks alot for the comments

edit: synirr how are leviathan and blondies babys comeing, any chance you going to sell some? ... hes the nicest male ive ever seen...imo
They're good, but still haven't marbled yet. I will be selling once they do :p

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