New Setup


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset, UK
Finally I have a show tank set up that im actually happy with :D

It's a 36x15x15 setup with external filtration (1000lph), redmoor wood, broken slate substrate and hidden pipework, heater, etc. The upright slates at the back hides these, using the black background (plasticated cardboard painted by me with thick and sticky waterproof ink) to bring out the substrate and wood whilst hide the upright slate. There is one air pump, sending air through two 'Sander' wooden airstones, I love these things as they are silent at producing the bubbles and create much finer bubbles than your conventional airstone. These are both conceled under a piece of mopani which holds them in place, and acts as a cave entrance.

The stuff in the tank is actually roofing slate, I went to my local builders yard and asked if they had any smashed, wrongly sized or unwanted roofing tiles, they had a whole load so i took a few and used a stone to crack them into about 0.8"-3" (using a hammer would shatter them too much). I then cleaned up the edges of each chunk to take away sharp edges and scrubbed them clean. Therefore all the slate in this tank (normally vey expensive to buy) was totally free.

It's very minimalist, but if it's acceptable for the fish it's my preferred style.
(for others I do have planted and fake plants but I think this is often the way to really show off a fish)

When cycled this tank will hold the Channa Pulchra, plus a few other rare goodies yet to be named... keep your eyes on this spot.

(perhaps Tetraodon palembangensis... as I say, keep your eyes on this space)

Bearing in mind the pics were taken the day of the set up and that the white dots are bubbles on the front of the tank... What do you think?

(P.S. Thanks to RadaR for getting hold of the tank for a great price, dealing with the seller and then housing it for a few days. Cheers.)

Very nice setup. I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into this tank. I wish you much luck and look forward to seeing what else you are going to do with it. Good luck!

yep big fan


i used roof slate left over by my builders :good:
defo the way forward!

looking forward to updates,


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