New Setup - General Info


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Just bought my first takn (10G) and as recommened by the retailer (Maidenhead aquatics) I've used sand rather than gravel and next week (Weds as thats when the get new stock) I'm going to get myself some plants and rocks etc.
The tank has been sitting with the filter running for 2 days and I've added Aqua plus and "cycle" to the water. The water is clearing but still cloudy (I didn't wash the sand, told not needed to) but now I'm thinking I should of :/
Will the water slowly clear or should I look at replacing water?? or just leave it alone and be patient :D
Also, will planting next week mess thinks up with regards to cycling the tank or make no difference?
Hi, and :hi: to the forum.

Your tank will clear eventually, but you may be experiencing bacterial bloom, which is part of the cycling process to get the tank ready for the fish.

In the beginners section, there is a whole load of information that is very useful for newbies (like me, 10 months ago!).

Two stickies you may find useful are the following.

Fishless Cycling the best way to get the tank ready, without stressing (or killing!) any fish.

Filter Material donation some members have filter material loaded with lovely bacteria, ready to help new filters along. Have a look, and see if someone can help.

Also, post tank details (tank sizefilter/heater/fish-in the future!) in your profile, so it'll be easier for people to give advice specific to your setup.

Hope this helps! :)

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