New Set-up


New Member
May 8, 2007
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hello lookng to set a new tank including a sump what gear do i need for the ideal set up i have done a little reading but still not sure .My ideal setup would be to have just a flow pump in the tank thats all looking to keep marine fish with some coral live rock etc.
Welcome to the saltly side.

For starters, it's a good idea to read the pinned topics at the top. Then, if you want info on a sump, check out All you ever wanted to know about a sump, and more.
:hi: to the salty side of life. neontetra makes a great point, checking the stickies is a great place to start :).

How big is your tank going to be? And have you given thought to specific types of fish/corals you like, or are you still just sort of lookin around for ideas?
:hi: to the salty side of life. neontetra makes a great point, checking the stickies is a great place to start :).

How big is your tank going to be? And have you given thought to specific types of fish/corals you like, or are you still just sort of lookin around for ideas?

tank size is 48*24*18 thought of mainly fish at first to get the water just so then maybe add some coral dont really know which kind also in invertabrates
So a standard 75 huh? Great starter tank :). If I may suggest, have a look through some online stores like or to get an idea of livestock options and begin the process of guiding your decisions :)
2 great sites thanks :good: can i ask more about the hardware side of things filters and such things looking to have the tank with a sump what sort of size does this need to be for a 48" tank
Well, in general the sump tank size is determined by the restrictions of the space you have to put it in. If you're putting a sump under the stand you need to look at tanks that will fit in that constrained space. All stands are different of course, so you'll have to make that call yourself. There is the option of building your own but that takes some significant DIY skill and I dont reccomend that for the feint of heart.

When considering hardware, try to have it all in place BEFORE livestock is added... Gets to be a pita if you dont

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