New Sea Hare


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2010
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Haven't put anything in there for a week or two now, he must have been hiding in a rock or clump of something

Cute little guy:

And a lil brittle star too:
yeah pretty much :p

wish i had a tank and algae supply big enough for one of the monsters i see down there sometimes
I'm going with seff on that, wrong shape for sea hare, what's it eating? If it's eating hair algae (and anything else it can get) it's a sea hare.
Whatever it is so long as it does what It's supposed then alls good. Have you covered all skimmer, sump, powerhead intakes? Sea slugs are curious little buggers with not much sense and not many senses except smell. How they work is if they smell food they move to it, eat, pop (lot) then go looking for more food, their journeys in our tanks often take them to places that are bad for them, if they are hurt or stressed they ink, which while not bad if you have a big system, skimmer and run carbon, can be a nightmare otherwise.

Plus side, they are so cool!
I got a sea hare on saturday which is going to a new home tomorrow, Itsso cute and I;m really sad my tanks no good for it
I got a sea hare on saturday which is going to a new home tomorrow, Itsso cute and I;m really sad my tanks no good for it
You sure thats a sea hare, looks more like a lettuce slug or similar?

Seffie x

Some Aplysia species ("sea hare" applies to all Aplysiids) look like that, with a distinctly more lettuce-like look on top. For example:

They can look similar to lettuce slugs when stretched out.
I'm pretty sure it's a hare. I've had lettuce slugs before and hare's and it looks like a hare. I'll get a better pic soon for extra confirmation. :p thanks for replies and advice. :)

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