New Scape


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Spent the Last Hour Rescaping the Tank.

Got bored and the Lillies had taken over, Found 7 Plants in Total.

Still not perfect, don't think i will ever be happy with the scape(if that plant was over there and that peice of wood was just more central. Blah lah Blah).
Drives the Wife mad at times " all you do is mess with the tank, its not like its as big as the old 1". :blush:
Smaller tanks are more frustrating to scape. :lol:





I wish I had the Time and Money to do scapes like TearScar, Rain and George and Planter. :good: :good:
PS - Will be changing it again Mid Week, Ordered some Bamboo Cane Java Moss Poles.
They are Really Good and Look so Good Horizontal or Vertical.
thats a cool tank, it looks like a jungle river or something, :good:
This tank came with a Hood and Aqua Glo Light.

Did not like it, the Tank was Tooooooo Bright.

I prefer Subdued lighting and nice shady areas in a tank, that make you look for the fish.
Not everything stands out and its more Relaxed.

Just my Preference.

Will be starting a Log of the new filter i am making soon, as soon as I get Some More Sealant and Poly Fibre and Filter Pads.
Asked the LFS Guy to order some Gold Minnows, Cardinal/Vietnamese Minnows and either Forktailed or Gertrudes Rainbows for my Tank. Cant Wait. I have been nagging him for ages to get those fish and Splash Tetras.

The Gold and Cardinal Minnows are now on his suppliers list - So YAY and he better do them at a decent price as he knows i have had to pay marked up prices for these in the past.
Great tank. Love the colours. Also it has great depth IMO. What is the substrate??
what are those little golden fish with orange tails? their cute!

Those are Gold White Mountain Cloud Minnows Not very Common and Exspensive, I'm Hoping the LFS can find some and even beter if he gets some Long Finned Variety. will go with my other long finned fish.

Great tank. Love the colours. Also it has great depth IMO. What is the substrate??

Thanks i'm aiming for Golden Fauna against the Green Flora
Colored Sand. 1.25 a bag here you can also get Red,Gold,Blue,Green.

it looks very natural

whats the white long finned fish in the middle of the two lower pics?

it looks very natural

whats the white long finned fish in the middle of the two lower pics?

That is My Very Ultra Mega Rare Lutino (No Pigment) Zebra Danio, Better Pix in Cypranids Section.

lush tank :drool: what make of light do u have

Boyu 12 Watt Light, From Mongoman on Ebay. He has Luninares for small tanks aswell.

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