I have cleaned out my 75 gallon freshwater and am going to make the jump into marine fish. I have never had a marine tank before, though I have done some research. I have a question about lighting. I am planning on getting a 65x4 PC fixture for my tank, and am wondering if this is sufficient for a FOWLR tank? Down the road I may want to do some soft corals, and am wondering if at that poinf I will need to upgrage my lighting? If so, what should I be looking at? I have a nice canopy that I made and would like to me able to keep it, and hanging lights is not an option. The other options include T5 lights, but CF's seem to me like they would be adequete. Advice would be great.
I have cleaned out my 75 gallon freshwater and am going to make the jump into marine fish. I have never had a marine tank before, though I have done some research. I have a question about lighting. I am planning on getting a 65x4 PC fixture for my tank, and am wondering if this is sufficient for a FOWLR tank? Down the road I may want to do some soft corals, and am wondering if at that poinf I will need to upgrage my lighting? If so, what should I be looking at? I have a nice canopy that I made and would like to me able to keep it, and hanging lights is not an option. The other options include T5 lights, but CF's seem to me like they would be adequete. Advice would be great.